[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Smilies will use up the character requirement. They seem to use the character count for the longform. :grinning: registers as :grinning:.

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You can also put “< hidden >” without the spaces or quotes :wink:

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I always just inserted <strong /> tags.

Works great if you want to post a URL like ht<strong></ strong>tps://homestarrunner.com


Sweeet good omens is on showcase.

All life? Or just you lot on the weird side? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s currently very cold here. We’re expected to drop to almost the minuses tonight, too.

…KNEW i should’ve attuned to that aetheryte down under! :stuck_out_tongue: feel free to send some of that cold up our way. i’d be more than willing to accept snow too. :grin:

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Unfortunately where I live doesn’t get snow. We did get hail the other weekend though…

ruh roh

hail is never good. .-.

But you have Bug!
Birthday Bug!


Warrior is almost done legion achievement working on monk while waiting for last daily woot rest is cake walk thank goodness for vacation.

Vaca… What is this concept you speak of?

Front mowed. Back like 75% however due to humidity the grass is still just too damp. Mower keeps clogging up. So I will finish the last little bit tomorrow after work. When the sun is like 15 ft from my backyard.

The mechanic actually came to my house with his cousin and they towed the car so I wouldn’t have to pay tow fees. Should know in a few days.


It’ll come for you too!

¡spɹoʍ ʎɯ ʞɹɐW


It will be a Christmas present. Surprise!!!


Man not feeling work today. I hurt, my stomach says it was a weekend, and I am super tired.

Had I not told somebody I would be there I might not show up lol

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You need to stop saying that.

But the money man. I admit I am addicted tot he OT income lolol

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Do you know where the “line” is? Is it different than where you’ve always pegged it?


Prognosis on the truck…

Turns out the transmission they got was a bad rebuild, so they are ordering a new one and gonna replace it again. No cost (wewt!). /crosses fingers

So I spent my idle time playing the bass, and managed to solo my cloak to 11.