[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Some days, you really earn the Call to Arms queue bonuses.

Three quarters of the dungeon, I was very low on mana, which was a result of the tank over-pulling.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t love my “job.” :slight_smile:

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Making Meatball Stew in the slow cooker tonight. Quite an easy recipe to make.

Meatball Stew

  • Large package of pre-made meatballs, homestyle or italian.
  • 6-8 Medium Potatoes, diced
  • One package of baby carrots
  • One large onion, cut into chunks
  • Half a bag of frozen corn
  • Medium container of fresh mushrooms, chopped.
  • 2 Packages of Stew Seasoning
  • 6 cups of water.
  • Pepper to taste

Throw everything in a slow cooker except mushrooms, set to low and cook for 8-10 hours. About the 6 hours mark, things should have cooked down, then you add the mushrooms. Serve with rice or biscuits.


lol, never saw that before, hysterical


And another one down. Just got the Mag’har Orc Heritage Armors. Now off to grind another Allied Race. Whee.


Is it wrong when driving to work at 4 am and it is already 81 degrees outside? I seem to think I remember reading that was a violation of the EULA of mankind or something.

Somebody needs to suspend the heat for something or other haha.


Definitely. Section 17, subsection 33, paragraph 18b, under “Prohibited conditions.” Unfortunately, it’s over-ridden by the General Rider 6, titled “General exceptions.”

I took my dog out for an early walk, to get ahead of the heat (and apparently rain we’re scheduled to get, but probably won’t). High 70s temp and humidity. On the plus side, there was a beautiful sunrise!


And I bet the puparooni loved the walk.

Somewhat. She enjoys getting out and sniffing stuff, but gets “mad” when I don’t let her go down to the creek for a drink and a swim (really just a chance to lay down in the mud now). I bring fresh water for her to drink, instead of the stuff sitting in pools along the creek bed. Without rain, the creek is pretty low and not flowing well, so the water isn’t the best.


Apollo loves walkies. If we say that his ears pop up and he starts bouncing around. He just likes to sniff the neighborhood and mark his spot. Just for another dog to come along and remark etc haha.

I can walk him without a leash as he will listen to me, but nobody else can. He gets way too excited if it is my eldest or my wife.

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I think Onyx would be fine walking off leash; at least, until she sees a squirrel or other critter. She’d probably come back - she’s like my personal shadow, but we’re not going to risk that. :smiley: But she’s excellent with loose-leash walking, unless she figures we’re going to the park for play-time.


Apollo a hates the car and if I take him to the dog park he lays down at my feet.

He might walk and try to sniff a dog, but he will not actually play. Just lays there.

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Good morning folks! Hope everyone is staying safe and cool away from the glaring star attempting to scorch all life from the planet :sun_with_face:


We had a nasty storm roll through with tornado warnings and the works. Thankfully it passed over without incident.

Happy Sunday everyone!


My truck is down for the count again…

Good gravy what happened now?

The transmission would drop back into neutral when driving, wouldn’t shift out of first gear.


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So no out of pocket then correct? Cuz you just paid for a rebuild?

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