[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Our son did his basic training at Ft. Sill. We drove from Georgia to see him graduate in August of 2011. That drive was so brutal. The temps in OK were around 110°F before the heat index was factored in to it.

I know we are used to very humid weather here living near the Swamp, but that weekend was a whole different kind of experience.

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The weather down there would drive me batty for months. Mainly the temperature. Doesn’t matter to my body if it’s dry or humid.

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Currently playing Ghost of Tsushima on my PS4, it was worth the wait.

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We are actually just slightly cooler than normal right now. I emphasize the word slightly, lol.

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New forum feature? I had a 1 on my portrait. Saw Kyzera post, read it, and scrolled past it. Normally clears the number. It did not go away though until I clicked my portrait.

We actually just cooled of about 10 degrees in the span of an hour and a half or so - some rain moved through the area (missed us of course), which brought the temps down. Still pretty humid, but at least it’s “cooler.”

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Got the new paper mario got some stuff to take care of first before i touch it sigh cant get nooks upgrade if i miss a day.

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I finally decided to let my villagers leave. My second one moved out yesterday. Audie.
That one was one that according to rumor was designed after an elderly lady that has played the series.

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Awwe ive let 2 go and now waiting for a new one to move in in the next few days

My fingertips are a bit sore and my hands are a bit cramped. I’m getting better though :grin:

Spent the past two sessions doing finger exercises for 30 minutes each time. Next session, gonna start learning my major scales along with doing finger exercises. As Commander Mike used to say on my PBS station. “Practice, Practice, Practice”.


Yup, me too.

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Well, that’s finished. Completed the War Campaign on my rogue here.


Finally crashed today…

Been riding high on anxieties all week. Got my truck back, just have to get used to driving it again as it’s peculiarities have changed.

Really loving this chest glitch in BL3. It’s been live for about three or four weeks and they still haven’t patched it.

It’s hot. Upper 80’s. It’s humid. 70%. Feels yukky. :hot_face:

On a good note my tomatoes are starting to ripen. I cant wait for fresh salsa season! :heart_eyes:

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Man I am dying in this kitchen.

I think I need to go to a hair store and get a good dew rag just to catch the sweat. It is currently 93 with a feels like of 104

Took the last two days off. Cannot decide if that was a good thing or not, as I am still exhausted. They didn’t give me much in rest even though I spent more of Thursday asleep than awake. Oh well.

Fried green tomatoes!

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Owners met with a real estate agent today. The house will be going up for sale and is expected to sell soon. They will be sending my 60 day notice at some point soon.

Yikes. Best of luck find g something in a timely manner bud.

Yeah, my luck with housing may be out.
I can fall back with family. I just want to save that as a last resort.