[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

You need to take time off more often.
/Captain Obvious


Yeah my wife called 20 minutes ago and I was out cold. My back is hurting really bad. Taking today and tomorrow for myself and recovery.

I can barely walk right now.


Goofing off waiting for my pizza looking at the Playstation store.

Assassins creed Odyssey for $30. Hmmmm do I or don’t I?

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I stopped playing the AC games a while ago.

Sadly, I have never finished one haha.

I have two that I picked up for free. The one in Paris (Unity I think?) and the one in London. I always get discouraged when they freeze up on my potato though and stop playing.

Just do it feel your greek odysee flow thru you feel the demigod in you.

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Just finish eating and get a craving for the taste of BBQ sauce.

My vote for you do. Esp if it’s +DLC.

Easily get 100 hours out of it.

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Haven’t been in long but… really not digging the backpack 4-slot upgrade reminder in SL.

I find it rather condescending and annoying.

It annoys me because I have SMS on my account already. I’m getting an advertisement for something I already have.



In my case, I have the authenticator, but will not be implementing the SMS product.

Parental controls work!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day :wink:


Well pulled the trigger. Got AC Odyssey. It has so e dlc with it so figured worth it.


My Mechagnome has made it to Boralus!


Haha, my accounts are secured with the Authenticator, SMS, and Parental Controls. I had actually put Parental Controls on before the fob Authenticator was even a thing, with the logic that most compromises seemed to happen when players were asleep or at work, and if my account was 100% locked out via a 2nd email address, even if someone somehow got account information (name & pw), they wouldn’t be able to get in and cause mayhem.

I’m not exactly happy with them adding the 4 backpack slots in WOW Classic … but it’s one of those “not the hill I want to die on” situations, and given I’m not obsessive about the biggest bags, the extra slots aren’t actually giving more inventory than was possible in vanilla. XP Justifications.

Brutally hot. And only going to get worse this weekend.

I say that, but the Californians and other hot-climate dwellers would chuckle at my distress.

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Cuz if so the California’s don’t get it. As a former one that can handle 106 dry I l promise you they don’t get it.

We are currently 95 but with humidity it feels like 105. That 105 isuch worse than a dry 106

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I don’t mind the hot and dry days so much, as long as there’s a breeze and some shade. I spent a summer working a kitchen in New Mexico, wearing jeans most days. And if it gets cool in the evenings (below 70), I’m very happy.

But humidity is a beast. 95 and 60% humidity? Nah. Michigan was even worse - 90 degrees and 90% humidity = stay in the AC.

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Oh I am in Oklahoma now. Trust me I get it lol.

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Not hot here yet.
Sounds like a good enough excuse to declare BBQ BB!

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