[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Someone is bored on one of the EU servers. They are in Stormwind spawn-camping the flight master.

Wait please clarify this statemenr.

New book or new show. Either way I needs to know haha.

Small revolution at work today. Apparently I know how to cook oatmeal? Residents went to my boss and administrator asking me to cook every morning lol. Some of them tried to stop my aide training so I would not leave the kitchen. Oh these people.

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Peace Talks (new book) came out yesterday. Next book is scheduled for September.

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Looks like ingot some reading to do. Thanks for the heads up.

Eating is the high point of their day. You should feel honored. My mom loved the good cooks.

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I’m already on my second read-through. :eyes:

I know that I missed a lot in my anxiety to know what happens and to whom, so this is me picking up on the details.

I was playing around with parental controls today…so just posting this to see if it shows up :slight_smile:

Edit: yay! It worked!

Super tired. I am not on the schedule tomorrow, but I know that is a mistake so I will be going in 3-11.

However if I am not on the schedule Friday, I will be taking Friday to recover. Been two weeks again, and I will have already done 65 hours this work week.

Shake n Bake chicken for dinner, with some zucchini and I am thinking simple white rice to top it off.

Watching the new CR on YouTube right now, man I am so glad you guys were talking about it. I had no clue what I was missing.

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My bass came in today, picking up an amp next month. Been watching videos on doing the scales and stuff like that. Debating to go to online learning or actually finding a teacher. Might go the teacher route, as I seem to do better person to person.


If you do go the online route I highly suggest Fender Play. Great instructors and a good pace. It also is pretty cheap. Nice to see a fellow bass player.

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Twitter got nailed by a hacker. A big hit too.

Wheeeeeeee! My MechaGnome just hit 100. I don’t have any character under 100 on my main account now. I still need to delete or transfer a character to make a Vuperan.


Looks like they’ve started to get it under control. Anyone with a verified account was unable to even post! All they could do was re-tweet!

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Aye, we just started getting access again. :smiley:


Oh, neat! Whatever that massive armory/forum hiccup was, it gave me back my character profile with 2.7 million HP and 1.1 million Mana. I thought that was lost and gone forever. :astonished:

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Looking at the ardenweld i think thats gona be my faction its more druidy themed and there class ability is nice.

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Broke down and ordered a mini headphone bass amp to hold me over til I order the big one, a Fender bass amp. My dad was quite surprised when I told him I wanted to learn to play a bass, he was still supportive.

I watched some videos on reading music, and it’s coming back to me, little by little. I used to know how to read music way back in the mid 70s when I was really little (like 3rd, 4th grade). I was told to get a recorder to help learn the notes.


It’s Thursday! :mouse: :rabbit: :cat2:


Managed to level my Alliance warlock from 88 to 101 overnight. Time that could have been more wisely spent doing important things. Like sleep.

I have the feeling work tonight is going to go reeaallllyy s s l l o o w w l l y y. :sob:


I am not on the schedule tonight. But I should be there. I know I should be there. But at the moment I can barely walk. My muscles are just sk tired so j think I might just take the day.

I fell asleep in my son’s room last night at about 8. Officially went to bed about 10 last night. Wife woke me up at 6 like normal… Went right back to after she left and just got up. I am just so tired.

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