[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move


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Today, made Bacon and Chicken wrapped stuffed jalapenos skewers. Served it with the rest of the unused cabbage from Saturday.


Well after quite of bit of searching i got both the chocobo materia and the elemental materia id call that a win.

Happy Birthday to Bug

Seven? Where has the time gone? I can remember when he was born. Everybody was all aflutter!


7 already! That’s crazy!! I’m having trouble believing my son is hitting double digits this year. How can he be 10 already?? I started posting here before I was married even!

I hope Bug has/had an awesome day today!! Happy Birthday to him!


We’ve been here a long time.

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Some are older then the blues does that make some of us older then dirt lol.

Update for my CSF folks

I have had a very challenging few months.

I got sick with the worse case of food poisoning I’ve had in my life. With help from my family this made me step back and realize exactly how toxic my home situation had become which lead to anxiety , panic attacks , loss of appetite as well as a horrific loss of sleep (went from sleeping 7-8 hours per night to 3-4 every 2 days or so)

I’m all better now though. I moved out to a new place into a room that has a kitchentte area and it’s own ensuite. It’s refreshing being able to wake up in the morning , open all the windows and not have to fight to get access to the bathroom for a shower. I love having a kitchen area to myself. It even comes with it’s own TV as part of the chattels of the flat \o/

I’m also sleeping much better and my health has improved. NZ has an anxiety helpline available that you can ring toll free to get help with anxiety and panic attacks which I have been utilizing. I haven’t had any panic attacks for a while and I’ve been managing my anxiety.

Now I’m off to go shopping for things for the new flat :slight_smile:


That is great news! Glad to hear you are doing better now.



I’m glad you were able to get some help, and are in a better situation. :slight_smile:


Glad to hear you’re feeling better, Blu. :heart: you bunches.


Hey everyone, I am back from an extended hiatus. Away and busy with work in RL for the last two years. I started working from home roughly 3 months ago, however business has slowed finally. I work in the travel industry, so busy times are usually around big storms. This virus stuff though really threw our “busy” to a whole new unheard of level.

I won’t be anywhere near as active as I used to be, however I should be able to manage at least a day or two every week here in game and in the forums. I can say, it’s nice to finally play a little bit of BFA, however there is so much for me to catch up on. See ya’ll around, in game or here in the forums.


Wait 3 more years. The teenager sticker shock is worse than the double digit one haha


I am so happy to hear you are doing better.

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New Zealand looks like paradise if Lord of the Rings is really film location.

I’ll take it over my swamp.

RIP Grant Imahara.

2020 can get in the bin right now. ;-;


I was surprised to see how many of the people I follow on Twitter had direct relationships with him. He always seemed like a cool guy, and super passionate about his craft.

Heart goes out to his friends and family


Sweet. Went with my Brother in Law to pick up a used Microwave from a thrift store. What a cool place, I found a leather trifold wallet for two bucks and a Fuji 12 megapixel camera for $3.


Wow. Now the big question: What’s wrong with it? :slight_smile: