[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Getting all cross-eyed over here. Why do I do this to myself?

I really need to stay away from the AH and just say NO to buying 75k pieces of cloth. But nope, I never do. Sooo many :jeans: … sigh.

On the upside though, I got the Ironhoof Destroyer mount tonight from mythic Blackhand.


If I get into the beta I will do a play through of the entire story and covenants etc. Look for glitches there.

Then, since I detest leveling, probably level a new toon to see what the new experience is like. Then go from there.

So this is where you have been, huh?

I’ve been wondering what happened to you, Pal. Miss you in the TL3 Lounge. Btw, the raid team is 5/12 Heroic now.

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Awesome. Yeah I lost my TL3, most likely need a bunch of posts read. Just don’t feel like hanging out in general to get it honestly.

Because it’s adorable?


I understand the feeling. I’m not really feeling the WoW itch, though I log in every day. Ah, the life of a Guild Leader…

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yeah same here. i let my time expire and decided to take a hiatus from WoW once again.

Classic’s great, don’t get me wrong but…i’m starting to feel like i’m stuck in a rut with how much work it takes to level up after playing since early Sept. x_x

Transmission is paid for! Should have my truck back in a week.

My sister asked me why I didn’t use the money to buy a cash car. The truck is paid for, taxes on it are paid up, plus I don’t have top spend a month or two looking for a car, plus there is the repair work that is always needed when buying a cash car.


:musical_note: Here comes the General :musical_note:

Yup, still stuck in my head. Happy Monday :sun_behind_large_cloud:


turns on clippers
Not yet…

Yeah I actually unsubbed a month month and a half ago. Not feeling the itch at the moment as you say, and I am working insane crazy hours right now and come home and sleep get up and go haha.

Feel free to come hang out with us here in the lounge anytime. Would still love to hear about the LRTTC lol.

See, duct tape fixed it huh? I want a % of the savings you got :moneybag: :money_with_wings: :laughing:

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Its a great soundtrack to have stuck in your head.

You are welcome and have a great day Kalv

Edit: Liked this one more LOL


I pulled the soundtrack up on Spotify (or what I thought was the soundtrack) and the Weird Al polka started playing as I was in the middle of the yard work I was doing. Put a little hop in my lawn mowing.


We finally saw the light. Since I retired and my husband is working from home from now on when the lease was up on his car we just gave it back. Saves a ton on insurance. We found that we were taking it out once every few weeks just to keep it running. I figure if some day we need one we can rent one for a day or two.

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Watching Lin Manuel Miranda talk about it with Weird Al on Fallon was great. When he tells the Questlove story cracked me up

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Finally, the Nightslayer boots dropped for me and I completed my Tier 1 and 2 sets.


You get away from me with those things!


Give me my Minions!

Seenah still won’t let me clone Alvraen. So I’ll have to send them after the original instead.

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Sure. It’s Bug’s birthday today. Seven!