[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

The hours are catchi g up to me. I am moving slower. Thinking slower. For getti g why I moved from what j was doi g to go to the fridge etc.

Multi-task? Absolutely forget about it. I might need to tell them j need a few days off. Pretty much a month with 2 days off at this point. Full time schedule for 3 pay periods, 240 hours. Me, 349

I had popcorn last night when I got off work. Needed something to calm my tummy.

That’s awesome. But it’s really not much of a laugh, to be honest. It’s actually some fascinating strategy, and pushing the game to its limits, which is always fun to see. I wonder if any other raid bosses can be defeated that way.

I also wonder if Greater Blessings of Kings is meant to build that much threat.

I might be leaving early today. Gonna talk to my boss. It just all caught up to me lol and my body now feels those hours.


Starting the oven, gonna gone for a while. See you guys this evening. :grin:


Unleashes the house elves to keep the house from burning down, forget spew mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I’ve seen a few creative use of buffs in the videos. For a lot of them the benefit only happens if you use an unusual amount of a certain class/spec. It’s very situational and no one seems to be using it outside of what was done on the video. The only one I’ve seen actually resulted in Blizzard modifying the buff. It was on one of the Ny ’ alotha-solo videos. He didn’t release the video until Blizzard fixed the buff.

I snickered over some of the commentary. And the giggling they did during the run.

Dumbeldorf here hope everyone has been doing well and practicing safe measures during this Covid-19 mess. I have a question that I felt that the fellow wise members of the CS Lounge here could answer for me without having to put up with potential trolls on the other threads so here it goes: I just used my level 120 boost from my pre-purchase of “Shadowlands” on this Highmountain Tauren but I want to bring him over to the Alliance side on the same Garona server; My question is: Can I keep him as a “Highmountain Tauren” race when I switch him over? (I know I have the 72 hour wait time to switch)

Thanks in advance: DD

HIghmountain Tauren are a Horde race and thus will only exist in the Horde faction. If you do a faction change to Alliance, then you will have to pick an Alliance race that supports the Hunter class (which is all of them). However, if you want to use an Alliance Allied race, they must already be unlocked and available on your account.


Thanks Kyzera!

Hope you are doing well!


You’re welcome.

I am surviving as best I can.

Hope you are doing well.

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Just staying home here in N.C. while occasionally going to get groceries during the senior hours watching all the people walking in and out of the stores mask less spreading the virus.

I just can’t understand why people want to fight wearing a mask?!?! Even with it now a law to wear one they still go mask less and the police do nothing to enforce it.


Heres a ? if you get into the beta what would you test me id probably do the starting area then do the new lvling exp avoid the new content.

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When I have done Betas before (Mop, WoD, BFA) I tried to mix it up on what I tested and really tried to think outside the normal routines for those outliers that might get missed.


I just want to avoid spoilers since the story is gona be the same unless u choose different covenants thot id do the revamped lvling exp.


I can definitely understand that part. By the time I got to the live version of the expansions there were no surprises and mysteries left for me at their launches.

But I was very thankful to be able to assist with the testing of the Betas, so that I could help as much as possible to find any issues.

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I drank a bit much yesterday. A few beers and a couple of cups of wine. Ate til I was full and sleepy. :grinning:

Fed the neighbors too. 3 of them told me they never had stuffed cabbage before.

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I am actually looking forward to my Birthday present to come in. :grin: Should be here by the end of the week.

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Why am I so furry


I have been practicing for Covid-19 all my life. I haven’t been into hugs since I was 3-months old. I prefer little to no physical touching. Wanting lots of personal space. Agoraphobic, so I prefer to stay home (by choice). Then lockdown started and we had to stay in and I was all “I need to get out of this house” for the first week. There’s a big difference between “wanting” to stay inside and “having” to stay inside.