[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Hmm, what is on the agenda for today?

/glances at weather report

Heat index values of 107 to 111 degrees expected.

/goes back to bed


yeah it was hot here yesterday too. too hot to really do much of anything. >.<

a little cooler today than it was yesterday, but i’m still feeling exhausted. might be heat related, might just be “one of those days” for me too.

for now, i’m gonna do what i can to stay cool, and possible consider taking a power nap later this morning if necessary.

hope everyone’s weekend is off to a good start though.

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We got a massive rain storm yesterday that dropped our temp today by 10 degrees. When that means 102 to 92 yeah that is huge. But it is probably insane muggy outside too lol

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I’ve done that. What I do now is send a set of Benthic tokens once the character reaches 110. It doesn’t help with weapon, trinkets or rings, but you aren’t as squishy as the leveling/dungeon gear would make you.


So yeah didn’t drop a dag gone thing. Curre tly 97 with a feels like of 113. I’m tapping out. My vent hood pulls air from the outside to circulate the air and I have to turn the Fryer on for dinner.

No joke, I will be standngi in swirling 160 plus degree air.

I only log into this guy to do island expiditions for the next lvl of that perticular got the lvl 2 i think says its suposed to come from the IE guy quest but havent goten that drop yet.

I feel your pain. We’ve got a new triple stack oven, but the same hood that could barely handle the old double-stack. Working the cut table means you’ve got the 500-degree oven behind you, and the 180-degree warming rack right next to you.

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Man. I can truly sympathize with your pain.

Thermostatnin kitchen set to 70. We have a dedicated AC just for it. Current thermostat temp in there, not under the hood mind you and right by a vent, is 88 degrees.

So i convinced my siblings to try D&D do we need a board or just wing it i know CR doesnt use one.

Just finished 90 cabbage rolls (5 trays), a crockpot full of potatoes and carrots, and in the oven right now, the leftover cabbage. I added some bacon and herb and garlic marinade.


I would just wing it for the beginning. Possibly even think about homebrewing some of the rules to simplify them, just to get them a little bit of experience and comfortable. Then in the future you can adjust the homebrew rules back to standard, or however you want.

Wish I had friends here that played. I have not played since 2nd edition. One of my bosses plays with her boyfriend and teenage son, but not certain it would be a good idea to get involved in a game with them haha.

I picked up starter edition lost mind of phandelver still trying to grasp my mind on this lots of info.

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My hands are sore, back hurts a bit, time to call it a night. Gotta an early day tomorrow, meeting clients for a website in the AM and cleaning up my place to receive visitors that evening.

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gonna call it a night

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Looks like we’re having popcorn for breakfast on this lovely Sunday morning. :roll_eyes:

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You have my attention.

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…the popcorn becomes squishy and an unpleasant texture. Otherwise :+1:

(Source: local movie theater had a milkshake with a similar theme… soggy popcorn… no one wants that)


For anyone who needs a laugh today