[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

I have 50 hours of OT on this check and another 14 of time and a half holiday pay. Taxes are gonna love me

And life, once again, is good.

We now have signs posted around the apartment complex, asking people to watch for their dogs. Neither of the two missing dogs have a microchip. When my dog got one, it cost $25, no annual fees or anything else like that. Just go to a website, enter your info, and done! I’d still be wrecked if my dog was lost, but at least I have a better chance of getting her back. A friend lost his support dog once. After about six months, he got a call from a vet - apparently, the “new owners” took it in for a check up, and the vet wouldn’t let them have it back because it was chipped.

Quick, simple procedure to save you and your dog (or cat!) some stress.



Blurgh, so tired. I have a (routine 6-month follow-up) CT scan this morning. Because I’ve gotten nauseous from the contrast IV before, I have to take a prescription at very specific intervals before. 13 hours, 7 hours, and 1 hour.

The 7 hour one … was 3 am. So I had a choice of trying to go to sleep around midnight and wake up at 3 am, or stay up until 3 am

Of course, being me, I chose the latter and stayed up. Little issue with that. The prescription is a steroid with a side effect of being a bit wired. I slept from 5 am until about 7:30 am, tried to drowse back off, gave up and got up at 8 am.

I’ll settle into being awake around noon, hopefully, when I’m back and on the clock, then catch up on sleep tonight. But for now :bleary-red-eyed-yawn:.

Oh, the other silliness. On top of the prescription, I’m supposed to take a Benadryl 1 hour before. I don’t have allergies. The smallest bottle available had 100 tablets. I only need to take 1. Once every 6 months for the next 4 years. The bottle expires 2022. I will have taken 3-4 tablets by the time it expires and I need to buy a new bottle. :roll_eyes:

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Every time I see this thread, I immediately jump to thinking someone’s pregnant.

Is it just me?


I can still feel where my nose was swabbed for another covid test. Came back negative though. So at least there was that.

I would rather work test excessively though, as we had a positive test come in. Luckily, turned out to be a false positive thank the stars.


That’s good to hear. :no_mouth:

I’ve been working from home and I’m the only person who has to go out regularly, so we’re pretty safe. for the last two months, I’ve only been out to pick up groceries (curbside pickup), prescriptions (drive-thru), and to visit the dentist (very thoroughly cleaned) so I should be okay.


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I think MG going through the pregnancy of half her menagerie while on the forum set an unconscious expectation for some.


Just finished leveling a monk, only healing dungeons (with a little questing in Kul Tiras, and a bit of hanging around Org. Played time of 3 days, 19 hours, 17 minutes, 13 seconds, over the course of just under a week and a half. It’s almost too fast. If Shadowlands leveling is anything like I’ve heard, I don’t think we’ll miss the Heirloom changes.

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Not a good thing when the mechanic finds pieces of the clutch at the bottom of the oil pan. New transmission time.


My wallet is making weeping sounds right now.

Tell the mechanic to duct tape it. It will fix anything. Except stupid. Apparently it can’t fix stupid




With enough duct tape, you can attach stupid to most other things.


So is this just me…or do y’all get so used to steamrolling a daily quest that when you get on a new toon you forget how fragile you are, pull way too many, and get dead?


I play a priest, so healthbars are never far from my mind!


Weekends looking to be quite good. Gonna be spending all day making stuffed cabbage rolls with Dad. I also got a quite simple recipe to make Garlic Herb Potatoes and Carrots in a crockpot. Just remember I need to put a few beers on ice.

Oh, I have a quiche already made and putting in the oven for breakfast in the morning. Also my birthday present to myself will be here this week. I bought a bass guitar, gonna learn to play. The hard part will be learning the 5 scales and trying to remember how to read music.

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It can muffle the sound, though… if applied correctly. :wink:

Work drama update — The district manager was at the store when I arrived yesterday afternoon. Walked him through the changes since the GM was sacked, the most obvious being the improved morale. He said, “I noticed almost everyone is smiling, and I’m not used to seeing that here.”

Then he apologized for taking so long to correct the problem. The trouble was the HR department was never made aware of any issues. If he had ever been chastised or reprimanded, it had never been formalized. As far as they were concerned he presented as a model employee and competent manager.

End result is that he has been demoted and transferred to a nearby store.


I feel kinda good, I managed to solo a vision with 2 bosses. I think I am getting better. :slight_smile:


Hours are catchi g up to me. I am half asleep on my feet and the muscle pain. Oh the muscle pain. Oh well all in the name of career advancement right?