[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

I’m gonna go around singing “Eat a gnome…eat a gnome…”

Today is the first day since early March where I am starting to feel “normal” again :crazy_face:. Been infected all that time, and has been a bit of a :roller_coaster:


It’s fairly cool right now so…yes.

I wonder what the new “normal” will feel like if we ever get there. :thinking:

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We will. Just need to wait for this to run its course.

I got my mechdragon! :heart_eyes:


DSFG (Darkspear Fried Gnome)-it be finger lickin’ good mon’! :grin:

we may be on extended lockdown until Oct, if not early next year. we’ve had zero new cases, but people traveling from areas that have a lot of cases of Covid aren’t self-quarantining for the recommended two weeks.

hoping that’s not the case, cause i’d love to go out with family for that dinner they wanted to take me out for.

Our Governor may shut us all down again. We are going backwards. :unamused:

Since I got lucky and got my mount I must be on a streak! :thinking: Can I have one of those new Corvettes? It’s not practical here in Michigan bur it would be a fun ride for a few months. :red_car:

I don’t know…I’ve driven through some parts of Michigan, like Detroit and I would not recommend a Corvette on some of those highways! Haha!

I once saw a guy with his arm out the window on a nice day there. Turned out he was holding his door shut!

Honestly, sometimes a 'Vette is vital on Michigan roads. As long as you can dodge the potholes. If you can’t… well, if you can afford the 'Vette, you can probably afford the repair bills.


Ok, so whomever decided that our humidity needed to match our temp tonight needs to stop already. It is 81°F with 81% humidity. The temp would have been fine, but that humidity makes it so miserable.

Not fun when you are walking the dog after a very stuffed dinner. Bleh

Gonna finish cleaning up dinner dishes and feed the animals and then spend rest of night in front of fan.

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Step mom had a Vette. She also did not feel the 1989 Loma Prietta earthquake in the Bay Area. She was cruising down the freeway on her way home.

She let me borrow it for my girlfriends birthday one time. Told me to, and I quote, “hit the on ramp and pin her to the seat”.

So I did. And she screamed. It was great.


My dad had a vette for a little while too. He didn’t let me take it out. I have a feeling it’s because I took out his Chrysler STR/8 and when I came home with it I asked him “How many horses?” He said “470.” To which I replied “I only felt 300…be right back.”


We do our “big walk” in the morning, before it starts getting too warm. But it’s still too humid. And a bunch of little walks throughout the day, to keep us both mobile.

I’ve gone from walking over 100km per week to just over 50. The heat and humidity is just that bad.

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Natural triple digits projected tomorrow. Yeah no thank you. You can keep it.

I need to eat. Stopping at Whataburger on the way home. Either a sweet n spicy or the new Pico de Gallo burger. And a Dr pepper shake.


Sever thunderstorm warning for edmonton area and no headache id call that a win.


At the last boss of BL3. I should be good to go but I’m farming a new Night Hawken anyway. My current one was dragging.

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No luck.
Not one would drop. Got about a half-dozen Monocles though.

Just went screw it

Watching the credits roll now.

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Was gonna get up in the morning and mow the yard… until I stayed late at work. Guess I’ll shoot for Saturday morning. On the upside, the back room is once again organized to my satisfaction.