[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

tyvm mastadon.


Happy Birthday!!

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Once, long ago I was 37!


tyvm kyzera.

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Were only as old as we feel ty.

One year and one month behind me.

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yeah, i find myself wanting the cooler temps back already. cooler temps make it easier to breath if i’m gonna be honest. .-.

hope you enjoy your 24 hours of immunity then.


You’re welcome

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Yeah that change-over that occurs when you hit 30 decided to make me non-functional with heat.
That and summer in this hemisphere doesn’t have the same alure anymore when finish with school.

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Happy Birthday Darthwraith!!


Happy Birthday! :birthday:

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My backyard weather station says the feels like temperature is 108. Yep, it feels like that. They just put up an excessive heat warning as well. It’s 95 in the shade but won’t cool off any time soon. We are not used to this kind of stuff. If I want to melt when I go outside I would move to Florida. I sure won’t be using the oven for awhile. Nature gave me an outdoor one. :sweat:

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My sister spent all day Sunday cooking and baking bread. I… just can’t imagine.

I mean, I love to cook, but when it’s this hot, no way!

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We are thankfully getting a slight reprieve from the heat here in Georgia for the next 2 weeks or so. Unfortunately, that is being done with rain every day.

Oh I know. It was requested that I make peach cream pies for the 4th. The house was sooo hot from a 425°F oven running for 2 hours (had to bake the fries for the burgers as well).

I’d happily take it! We haven’t had rain in a long time now :frowning: I’m keeping some of the grass in our backyard alive for the kids to play outside, but the rest has all gone dormant.

Our rain barrels could use a filling too!


I am slept in relaxed went to cabellas with my brother got drawn for moose up near grand pairie hunt of a life time for him now for some FB ACNH then ff7.

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tyvm perl.


tyvm misbecky.

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Rain? What’s that. We had more than we needed in the spring and now none. Grass is brown and I have to water the garden twice a day.

The birds are grateful we have 2 fountains. They line up to take a dip/drink.

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Oklahoma Joe’s BBQ for dinner. Yummay.

Unfortunately I saw the sign for the Chicken Fried Ribeye Steak Sammich, yes I said sammich cuz something that sounds that delicious can only be referred to as sammich, too late. I had already ordered

Next time baby. Next time.