[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

You have my attention…

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I totally forgot how brutal Mass Effect 2’s insanity difficulty was. :grimacing:

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Jocelyn’s Peaches & Cream Pie

15 oz. of canned or fresh peeled peaches
x1 8 oz. block of cream cheese (softened)
x1 graham cracker or regular dough pie crust
Vanilla (to taste)
Cinnamon (to taste)
Nutmeg (to taste)
1/2 c. brown sugar (or to taste if you prefer more or less)
4 tbsp. unsalted butter
1/2. c. white sugar

Mix the peaches, butter, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, & brown sugar together in a saucepan. Cook until the peaches thicken.

Mix the cream cheese & white sugar together until the cream cheese starts to whip up real good. Then fold in the peaches to the cream cheese. Mix well.

Then pour all of it into your pie crust. Put the pie crust in a water bath and bake at 400°F for 1/2 hour. Once done, remove from oven and let it set for a while to cool. It is best when it has cooled and allowed to thicken up even more. Can be served with vanilla ice cream and/or whipped topping.


Creepy guy taking pictures of women coming out of our exercise place.

Well, that doesn’t sound very nice.

Call the cops and alert the exercise management. Hell take his photo so you have proof.

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It wasn’t reported.
It happened Sunday night and someone today remembered to say something.

Thats just wrong on so many lvls oh im also realy enjoying FF7.

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That game is phenomenal. I love it. I have yet to beat it. Decided to dive into Uncharted 4 instead. Then work went off the walls crazy.

not gonna lie. Kyzera’s making me want to bake a banana cream pie. ._. problem is, i can’t eat a whole pie by myself.



sadly, i’m forced to wait much longer than originally planned to get FF VII. ;-; i may end up waiting until sometime next year, and at which point, i may as well get the PC version instead.

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Probably a good idea if u dont have the 60g of memory would probably be better off putting it on the ps5 sink lol.

I’m enjoying the remake of Final Fantasy 7 as well. I got the Collector’s Edition of it as it came with some cool swag.

Swag was an art-book, a CD soundtrack of music from the game, And some other cool items. :smiley:

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Just made it outa the reactor yay.

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I’m awake. Glad I said no to cooking today cuz I dkk t want to be awake. Fully plan on going back toon sleep when wife leaves for work.

Decided it was time to give Picard a watch. Working on the first episode but I am enjoying it thus far.

Though, surprised tk see commercials for a strwaming service I pay for haha


That moment when you have precisely enough coffee to fill the mug, to the lip. It’s not worth leaving in the pot (I’d probably forget it), and it’s too hot to drink down a bit. So I have to stand at the sink, sipping at it until I can safely walk with it.

And… good morning!


Decided a nice hot bath might do my back some good. Really stiff today.

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T-minus 48 minutes before the Shadowlands reveal. Will be interesting to see what else they have to show us.

Link: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/news/23463297/tune-in-july-8-for-a-shadowlands-update

My money is well see people begging for beta acess by the end of the weekend event tho the beta hasnt started.


Man I really REALLY have not kept up. Since I unsubbed I have not paid attention to anything for the expansion. No weekly reset no nothing.

I hope that changes before November haha

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