[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

I didn’t even know there was a mount here. Got this last night. A 1% drop rate. Retail BTW. Maybe not as cool as the Classic version.


Lucky do you realize people farm that like invinceble.


Had no idea. I was running it on my lvl 59 DK in a PUG dungeon.

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I’m usually not a console person, but Miles Morales Spiderman has me locked in. I will likely be getting a PS5 because of it.


noice. i got mine on Apr 9th 2012. nice little b’day gift for my 32nd trip around the giant ball of burning death too. :laughing:

but yeah, on Classic its the only way for Taurens to ride a skeletal horse mount, as they’re not able to use the Forsaken mounts.

Oddly enough, the Spider man game for PS4 was one of two major points in the decision to spend the cash last Christmas.

The other was FF7 remake. I will get a 5 just not sure when. Kind of bummed other stuff does not work on it though tbh.

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Glax’s roommates had it and I played it there a bit, it was a lot of fun. I believe they are porting in some older games from PS4. If that is one of them I’ll probably get it too.


:canada: Happy Canada Day everyone! :canada:

I stole this from someone else online because it gave me a chuckle :slight_smile:

I hope everyone has a wonderful day eh!


Well the last one was very well received. This one should be good too. At least that’s the expectation.
Miles is an already established character so there’s a lot of reference material for writing a good story.
As long as they don’t Soap Box than it will be great.

But I don’t wanna go to Walmart.

I am impatiently waiting for my local store to return to 24-hour operations. It’s so much easier to practice social distancing at 3 in the morning, when you have the store pretty much to yourself.


I knew someone who ran Stratholme over 3000 times for that mount.


Well this is interesting were getting our first transgender character in wow


Today’s work is one of those days where almost everything happens.
And it’s my Friday.
And it’s a 12 hour day.

I feel like a winged iguana on four mugs of coffee…but without the coffee.

Hotel room is gorgeous. I can sit in the shower. What? Lol

Just left to grab dinner as Thai just sounded really really good tonight.

Go back and eat, perhaps relax at the pool, and then hit the gaming floor. Gave myself a strict budget haha.

We will see how well that lasts.


It’s rumored that my local Walmart won’t be going back to being open 24 hours. I am bummed about that. If it’s true, maybe they’ll change their minds next year.

So i bought the MOP CE mount and got the FOS not sure why u didnt get it.

I thought that was Chromie. He’s a male dragon/female Gnome.


Sounds like there making this a more formal transgender acording to feed back blizzard decided to make known. I always thot chromie was a girl tbh.

Nope. He identifies as a female Gnome in humanoid form, but is a male dragon.

Weird. Looks like I was mistaken. According to all the pages Chromie is a female dragon with a “male” name “Chronormu”

“ormu” is typical of the male bronze dragon, while “ormi” is typical of the female


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Well who am i to judge im a BE in a tauren body but identify as a titan.

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