[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

I’m a frost mage. I’ll freeze them in their tracks.


The graphics/assets designer plays a gnome. She’s also used Alvraen in one once.


i dunno about that. centuars and fez wearing monkeys are notoriously known for their love of stun locking fluffy bunny gnomes. :laughing:

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Didn’t have to be in at 430 today. I can see about when the truck is supposed to be there, and our driver texts me regularly if he is running behind, or in today’s case making up time. I pulled up as he got there at 730. However it took me until 330 to finish putting everything up. I am sitting here listening to Critical Role, half asleep and fighting to stay awake. Might call it an early night tonight.

BUT, one of my kitchen supervisors wants me to come over tonight to play DnD with her and her boyfriend. Her son has really gotten into it over the last year and was super excited when he heard I used to play. They want an experienced player to play with them. Little do they know I like to wreak havoc and would probably intentionally lead them astray haha.


That said, I would love to find a DnD group that works with my schedule, and if it is spread out plays online via Discord or something. That would be cool


You put on a cloak, roll for initiative!


Sounds like work friends trying to get me into Warhammer, but I have become extra reclusive…the virus practically makes social anxiety freaks like me feel like this is paradise…


I liked Warhammer FRP way better than D&D. Could have been the GM, but it seemed more “believable.”

My friend spent a lot of money and time painting his whole set. He’s super interested in it all, but board games are meh to me.

I can’t think of any Warhammer game as a board game. It’s soooo much more than that. They’re so detailed and intricate. Okay, sometimes the game gets a little rule-heavy, but that’s just kind of the way it has to be.

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He talks about it constantly. I should have said table top. My apologies.


Hem just got an epic drop out in Voldun. This couldn’t happen back in the beginning of the xpac, when they were worth something? :rofl:


Deffinately productive nite in ACNH caught a scorpion and a flea.

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Wanna trade? I’m cleaning up trophies in old PS3 games in preparation of making room for a PS5, and Mass Effect 2 insanity difficulty is kicking my butt.

Im good im debating on what to delete for ff7 probably gona go delet ff7.



I wasn’t going to get a PS5 anyway.

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Haha. I not buying one right away. We just got a bloody PS4 on Christmas for cry g out loud haha.

In other news first day off in last 2 1/2 weeks. So what do j do? Get up at 6 of course. Meh

They termed our problem cook yesterday after suspendinf her last Tuesday for 3 days. Her actions finally caught up tok her. Considering one of those actions was to try to leave me alone for half my shift I am not unpleased. She would constantly sign up for shifts and then cross her name off, like that meant something. I dk t celebrate people getting terminated, but this one was needed.

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i don’t have plans to buy a PS5 any time soon. i’m quite content with what i’ve got at the moment.

that and funds are extremely limited at present. .-.

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No worries. It is a game after all, and if you’re not addic… into it, it really is a board game. A really big board game.

But the fantasy role-play game is just amazing, too. I always felt the character system was better than D&D’s. But I suppose it just takes a really good game master to make the game. Our D&D games (back when I was in High School and college) were mainly just excuses to hang out with friends and be silly; which was probably better anyway.