[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

Sounds like method is crashing and burning

My money’s on passing out, fully clothed, on top of the bed within minutes of checking in. :sleeping:

That is a beastly schedule. I hope you’'ll be able to recharge your batteries.


@Darth-wasn’t really aware of the accusations against Method or anything of the sort until i read that.

i’ve been having trouble sleeping at night myself. i may have to resort to getting sleeping pills soon if this keeps up. ._.

I was thinking about doing that over five years ago. My hair is half-way down my back. The only one on-board with me shaving it all off was my nephew. He was five at the time.

I think he still would cheer me on if I decided to do it.


May I recommend Melatonin? It’s awesome. I have a bottle of gummies that I use on occasion. Tasty, and one puts me out in about 15 minutes, insomnia or not. And they’re not habit forming.


Home stretch on the brochure design. So far it’s been a hit, just added the final picture, and now it should go up for the review by the church staff. Then I can get it ready for print.


Neither was i just goes to show even the top guilds have more drama then we know of.

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I heard about one of the things last year, when Twitch acted. It’s a shame it all collapses because of a couple bad apples.

Hopefully they can regroup and become stronger.

Well thats interesting 2 newish items in the store the MOP CE mount and pet.

does buying it net you the achievement? i would assume so…though i’m kinda surprised they didn’t include the CE upgrade, like they did for Warlords, Legion and BfA.

but tbf, i would love if they did this with the Vanilla, BC and Wrath CE pets as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have all those. Boo. Give me something new! I am a sucker for new pets and mounts. Especially the charity ones. :grin:

Well reg you know that the developers dont comer here for feedback or suggestions :wink: .

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It’s going to be home made chicken noodle soup today. Tomorrow will be taco Wednesday, and it will be hot dog Thursday. It’s too hot to do anything fancy. It’s in the 90’s for the next 7 days and no rain in the forecast for the next ten days. The humidity is supposed to go up as well. Welcome to summer! :sunglasses:

Odd that they are sold separately instead of as a bundle like the Legion ones.

DIdn’t for me when I bought them.

My mistake. The achievements are there.

i noticed that when i had a look at it. feels a bit odd that they’re separated, wheras the others are bundled together as such.

see, i got the retail version of the CE so i didn’t have to worry too much. come to think of it, that was the last retail version of a CE that i got for WoW. only other one, was Cata. those were the only two sold at walmart as well. sadly they don’t sell PC games anymore. everything’s all “digital” nowadays. /grumble

How dare you question the great minds at blizzard have you no shame dont make a horde of fez wearing monkeys or angry centaurs chase you from AQ all the way to hyjal. No clue all kidding aside tried to channel my inner molly weasly howler lol.

I looked on the wrong character. I hadn’t logged in to RB to update her.

My main is a warlock. I’d lose them in Thousand Needles by going under water.


its already amusing when they advertise the Pilgrim’s Bounty event in mid/late Nov and it shows a gnome running from a turkey. now i’m picturing Ruffle running from Vrak and Kalv. :rofl:


I miss there avatar portraits hopefully they get theres back and maybe even updated even cooler looking.