[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

I suspected that was that one. I did not want to assume.

/melts into puddle

It is 7:43 pm and still 94°F out (heat index over 100°F).

And we haven’t even got to the hot :fire: days yet. July & August are gonna be a blast!

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@kyzera i’m NOT looking forward to Jul, let alone Aug. i mean, despite the “obvious” reasons, we’ve had a few days here that were real scorchers and the realization, that it was late Spring/early Summer that made me wince at how bad it was gonna be before we get to the cooler months.

i may have to petition a mage for a port to kittin’s country to evade the heat if it gets any worse than this. .-.

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Speaking of which, I made The Run to Ironforge last night.

I got to work at 6 am. Off at 2 pm. Back on in a nurse aide capacity at 3 pm and won’t be off til 11 pm tonight. I will have been in this building 17 hours when I leave.

So off at 11 tonight and back at 430 am tomorrow. I AM TIRED lol

Did book my room at the casino for Wednesday night. Might gamble. Might just lounge in my room all night and veg. But I will be out of the house and that will be nice.


My job turned into a career today!


Two-year probation over.

I splurged on an affordable ergo chair for my office (I have a super fancy one at my computer… didn’t want to spend that kind of money for a temporary WfH chair) and a bag of candy.


Looks like the brochure design was a hit. The pastors liked it, just typo stuff (I’m a really poor transcriber). Working on the website right now. I busy learning the CMS software for it so I can train the pastor how to use it. But it looks like I’ll be locked in to doing photoshop work for them for a while, PLUS teaching them how to setup a podcast.

My portfolio is thanking me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Feels like 1996 again when I graduated design school. :slight_smile: Charity work always leads to bigger and better jobs.


In the process of re-learning web design software, and CSS style sheets. Having to start from the basics again.

Well, fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: that by this time tomorrow night – my hair will be completely grey. Just finished up the second round of bleaching it down – never been so blonde, lol.

I decided to embrace the grey and we just needed to get all of my hair down to a light enough color that it can take the grey dye correctly. My other idea was just to shave my head and let the grey grow in naturally. Surprisingly, nobody else was on board with that idea. :woman_shrugging:


I’ve had noticeable grey hair since I was a freshman in High School, and it’s been salt and pepper for years. Earlier this year, I was filling out my passport application, and when i got to hair color, I realized that my hair color needed to be listed as grey.

I’m not old, I promise!


Yeah mine first started around 17 or so – so about 32 years ago. And, as expected, has progressively advanced throughout my head in recent years.

I lost all my hair by the time I was 30, but my beard has a bit of grey in it.

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Oh, my beard is completely white, and has been for a while now.

Which is part of the reason I shave daily.


I have a few grey hairs right above my side burns odd place but dont matter to me. oh im turning 37 on the 7th.


Happy Birthday then, I’ll be 53 on the 9th.

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They need more grey hair options for us geezers.

Ok i am home. Alarm goes off in 3 1/2 hours. Then groceries. Was asked why I can’t work the floor tomorrow night and I had to explain i am about to put away 7000 pounds of groceries. The floor is easy by comparison physically.

Staffing person actually texted my boss asking if what j said were true. My boss forwarded the text and her response to me lol. In essence she said I am aboht to do some serious physical labor and will be wiped when j am done. Also, it will be day 18.

Off Wednesday then back to the grind Thursday. 4 days I tk my work week and I already have 10 hours of overtime.

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Dang you young kids!



I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’d appreciate them doing that.

I can kinda understand that if the said person never realy worked with mastadon and wasnt sure if they were pulling a fast one never hurts to check no offense to mastadon.