[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move


This has been pretty interesting. Apparently it happens every year or so but this year was particularly dusty. I definitely noticed increased haziness while out running errands this weekend.


We realy gota stop releasing the mummy from the mummy too much sand.

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Years when it doesn’t go as far north the Sahara dust provides the phosphorus needed by the Amazon tropical rain forest; meanwhile the Gobi dust from China sometimes (essentially as it happens) feeds the sub-tropical rain forests on the American west coast.
(climate science is complicated).



that might explain this then.

archaeologists uncovered the ruins of an ancient pharaoh that was covered in chocolate and nuts. they believe its the long lost Pharaoh Roche. :grin:


Tomorrow is going to be… Not pleasant. I get to work at 6 am and will be here til about 2 or so.

Off for an hour, then work til 11

I am NOT looking forward to this at all. Hopefully my coworker kicks me out in the morning.

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Well, I did it!!!


gratz Kyz! /hugs

also noticed you got AotC for SoO, and Burning Throne as well. nice job! :slight_smile:



Those were just runs for the mount. I wasn’t raiding at that level at the time.


Have you “shown” him yet?

Scoot? Or Bug?

4 lvls till legion on my DK worgen then 20lvls till i can get heritage armor yay.



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Do you have the Gilneas reputation done yet? To me, that’s the worst part; fairly quick if you (low level) dungeon run, but monotonous.

I’ve found Utgarde Pinnacle faster than the Vanilla/TBC dungeons. It’s handy because you end at the beginning as well. Still monotonous. Unless you are farming something in the Vanilla/TBC dungeons.

i still have memories of rep grinding in 2009 when i started playing, cause i wanted to have at least one of every mount from all 5 Alliance factions…and i was playing a Human. eye twitch

hence why i’m not overly fond of rep grinds anymore. .-.

Amen. I’m leveling a monk (side-note: I’ve discovered I love monk healing!), and I’m using the racial tabard from the start. I’m almost level 40 and already halfway through revered. But I don’t ever want to have to grind these reps on another character again.

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I should but thats a good point.

When I leveled my monk, I loved healing with him! He’s a Nightborne, and his jokes are amazing :slight_smile:

Haven’t healed with him in a while now. Been enjoying my hunter and my pally recently! I really don’t know who I’m going to level first when Shadowlands comes out!!

Finishing up my first Graphic Design project of the year. Doing a tri-fold brochure for a church, they also have me updating their website too!

I can finally update my portfolio with something current and not stuff from the 90s. hehehe


I’m in the same boat. I got my shammy and warrior where I want them to be and currently gearing my rogue, choosing whom to level for Shadowlands is gonna be quite difficult.