[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

I was seriously thrown off by rez sickness persisting while offline! Also, the Darnassus mailbox not being anywhere near the auction house is a bit of a pain (I’m just shy of 17, and nowhere near feeling up for making the run to Ironforge or Stormwind yet on my Night Elf. :rofl:)


hi just shy of 17. :grin: (#dadjokesFTW #sorrynotsorry)

this is why i tend to save up the money on an alt and buy a Rune of Portals to pay for a port to say Stormwind or Ironforge. i can then open the FP at either one, and take the tram to the other place.

course this is AFTER i get to Auberdine and take the boat to Menethil Harbour and open their FP as well. easy access back to the homeland and all that. :slight_smile:


Yeah but chatting with people is scary.

We shall see. After our… discussion last Saturday, he seems to be going out of his way to make sure the two of us don’t have any overlap in our schedules. I’m really looking forward to being able to undo the disaster he’s made of the inventory and my back room.

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Yay my friday and stayvaction except for the rain all week but ill take it.



I only wish my posts were as kind, logically stable, or as passionate as some others’.


Stable is overrated most retail workers are psycopaths mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha and the ones that unload trucks are worse.

…did Darth just start speaking in tongues? :stuck_out_tongue:

considering what they have to deal with, i can’t say i blame them any more…mostly cause i was once a retail worker for 10 years, and i experienced more than my fair share of bell ends and spanners, to make me never wish to work in retail ever again.

probably covering for Mast while he’s (hopefully) getting some much needed rest.

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Maybe a little of both i do work retail why do you think i play horde.

You’re a butcher and want to sell a bit off the side?

Of course i have too many minions these little piggies arent going to the market on there own.

I dusted off my rogue Ravenhawk, and I’m completely lost, quest wise, I’m “trying” to do the upgrades for the first essence but I have no idea where I left off.

Nah, they just have to put up with… well, the filter would probably take out anything I really mean, and Papa V would smack me.

But seriously, if retail (and/or hospitality) workers are “psycho” it’s because of entitled customers.


Is it better or worse than putting up with me?

No your tame theres one other that tends to pop up everyonce in awhile that talks big but hot air.

Tame…is that what happens when you run out of good material and suitable targets?

pokes Kittin
You haz mail of the electronic kind!

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The rumor wheels are turnin’ with prices for the PlayStation 5 and accessories, and they look remarkably reasonable and another potential generation win for Sony if they turn out to be true.

MG would be so proud :heart: