[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

My boss had to go to urgent care this morning. His temperature was higher. The doc told him to stay home for 10 to 14 days. They also did a Covid test on him. That should be ready in a few days.


The administrator asked me if I could stay over and work a double at work today. She seemed disappointed when I told her I could not, not in the kind of way that man we are short and it would really help us out. Moreso that I said no. Then I explained to her I have to be back at 430 in the morning, 13 hours from now, and I just completed day 14 in a row, 4 of them doubles. I am about to fall over, and already feel like my thinking is much slower and not as clear. Then she seemed to understand I needed to leave lol.

When I was driving home from the store, I felt like I was FLYING down the road, only to look down and I was going 40 in a 50. As I got home, I started to basically feel drunk, but without any alcohol consumed. The Downhome Punch I bought at the store will fix the lack of alcohol part though haha. Son is cooking dinner for me as he saw me literally unable to walk straight and told me to sit down while he put up the groceries. So here I sit, under a ceiling fan.

Also, it is really really hot and the humidity is out of control.


All I can say to that is TAKE CARE.


Man is it Friday July 3 yet?

Hamilton on Disney Plus? Yes please. I loved it when I went to see it, and would love to see the actual Broadway cast that made it what it was perform it.

QTDDTOT now thats funny.

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Yeah, just like Vrak, I had to look that one up! Haha!


Were getting old. lol


I mean, I was thinking it for sure! But I wasn’t going to say it! Haha!


Two Heritage armor sets today. And I had to grind both reps (though one was yesterday). Ugh. Now to work on the last two main races, and then on to the Allied races; I have two of those done, but I haven’t even unlocked Mechagnomes yet.


Shrimp lo mein and Hot & Sour soup for dinner tonight, and probably tomorrow. Delicious.

It might be time for a movie or a book. I need to do something different for a while.


Oh, happy day!

Came in to work tonight to the news that my incompetent and shady general manager (last week, he tried to delete three hours from my time card) is gone after the July 4 weekend. He’s being demoted and transferred.

I’m in a visibly good mood now, and I can’t tell anyone why (he doesn’t know yet).


Karma always bites back.


It takes time though.

Have I updated yet?

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I like the Red Pointy Hat.


Oh that is awesome. There would be issues if somebody tried to mess with my hours like that.

Hope you are there for a nice wave when he finds out.


Meeting a client for a web design job tomorrow after church. It’s been close to 15 years since I have done a web page design. Need to dust off the skills and relearn CSS, HTML Javascript and all that jazz. Need to brush up on my server admin stuff too.

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Bel here. Decided to get back into Classic on my hunter. I ragequit a few months ago after a particularly obnoxious death, but now that I have a pet, it’s going a lot smoother. Here’s my Classic Hunter. :wink:

I’m leveling her “wrong” though, since I’m leveling as Marks and not BM. I love MM Fantasy too much. >_>

That got kind of concerning. I got stuck loading my character list to swap back until I relogged. Phew!

Wait, what?

Good riddance.

Don’t forget your popping skills.

There has got to be a video tape out there with that name. <.<

Finally decided to check out WoW Classic after hesitating for reasons. I found that I automatically expected many “quality of life” improvements made over the years in the game, but then realized they were absent.

I then said to myself “cool!” and enjoyed the lack of info and figuring out what I needed to do lol