[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

One day I will have enough courage (and faith in myself) to actually join a group for stuff I want to do.

I’d really like to run the Timewalking version of BT so I can get my glaives transmog, but just so darn nervous about it. I wasn’t here for when it was current, so afraid I will mess up too much.



I really need to find decent trinkets for Hem. But that’s going to mean… /shudder… going in to LFR.

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Yeah, I know how you feel. I have barely done any BFA raids, 1-2 runs through Uldir (and those were very stressful), x1 run through BoD, and x1 run through Crucible. I have never even set foot in EP or Ny’alotha.

I enjoyed running Flex raids in SoO during MoP. Had a blast doing those. Mostly the same group, with few pickups here & there.

But after MoP, it just wasn’t fun anymore (at all). Became way too stressful.


I haven’t done any. But it’s going to be the only way I can get decent trinkets.

ahh, so you mean like when they released the “Warrior of Elune” look for Night Elves then?

that reminds me of seeing players in FF XIV that bear striking resemblances to various NPC’s. though i’m often told that they’re actually botters, just not the kind i’ve come to encounter in-game.

i’ve got too many bad memories of the MC “anniversary” raid, so i’m not sure i’ll ever feel compelled to run the TW version of a raid ever again. ._.

least in Classic, people are more compelled to work together, rather than just troll the group. course that’s because getting black listed will force you to either re-roll on another server, or cough up the $35 to transfer.


I used Utgard Pinnacle for rep grinds with the base factions. Circular dungeon so you end at the beginning. Do it on repeat on Normal Mode, once a day on heroic for a chance at the mount.


I actually enjoyed the MC anniversary event. Guess I just got lucky with groups.

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I should be leaving for work on 1 minute but I will be late. I am so sore, so tired. I am moving like a snail right now

I feel sick, but know that I am not if that makes any sense. Oh well Wednesday cannot get here soon enough. Think I will take advantage of a local casino offer for a free room just to unwind and relax. Probably won’t even gamble. Just to get away and chill.


Wanna bet?

Seriously - do it, relax, enjoy a day off. I’ve been tempted to take a week soon and go “hide in the woods.” My first choice was up by Mt Rushmore, but I may not do that now, since it’s going to be swarming with people for the 4th - even more now that the President has announced he’s going to be there next week. If I’m going to go camping, I don’t need TONS of people around. A few is fine, but more than that is too much.


what a punch in the gut…

All those fantasy minis I painted over the past few days, the were wolves and ogre. I went to clear coat them and it clouded the minis…so I gotta strip them all and repaint.

/silent scream



But at least you know you can make them look amazing! Just watch out for that clear coat. Is it possible that it’s old or something?

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Looks like the majority of my PC issues were due to the hard drive. I have a fresh Windows install on my SSD now instead of the HDD with issues. Things are working good now, so far.

I kept having issues with the Windows on the SSD and gave up on it and went to a regular HDD. Glad to be back to a fast drive and drivers actually working on it.


Nope, the clear coat is brand new…

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Got any miniatures you can test it on, or something else? Maybe a glass (or plastic) jar or bottle, just to see what happens? Maybe it’s a bad batch. Wish I had an answer to that.

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Ahh but then you realized the fun is in the painting.

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There goes my weekend!
Boss texts me last night right after I drink some caffeine. He’s running a fever and needed me to cover his shift. So, here I am with only a few hours of sleep.

Got the minis in a bath of Totally Awesome. in 24 hours I’ll rinse them off and repaint again.

feeling really, REALLY tired atm. =_= dunno if its just lack of sleep from last night, or minor heat exhaustion. got what i needed today, may venture out again tomorrow to pick up a remaining few things though. but for now, i’ve got some stuff to hold me over.

feeling extremely tempted to get FF VII Remake with my GST next month, but i’m also weighing the pros and cons as well. ._.

EB Games still had my reserved copy on hold after all this time, so there’s that incentive right there. plus i’ve been waiting since my b’day to play this, and i’m finding it more difficult now, then a few months ago to avoid any streams of this game. @_@

I managed to remember and jump into yesterday’s WOW Classic PTR AQ Stress Test. I figure I’m not going to be in Silithus for the gate-opening in the real game and the PTR post-test is infamous for hijinks. Sure enough, we had several MC bosses, all the world dragons, etc. The moment they tossed Kazzak into the fray, I knew we were toast. Even so, I ended off just before the shut-down removing a cow-form sheep from another player only to be turned into a giraffe myself. :grin:


i just heard Jules Gil of whatculture saying “removing a cow-form sheep from another player? ARE YOU HAVING A GIRAFFE?!” and it amused me greatly. :laughing:

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