[CS Lounge] I think Stormy has started to move

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Okay, I’m kinda burnt out from painting…

Just finished these guys last night.


Good god, that’s spectacular.


Excellent job, Thundertotem.


Tonight starts my 3 day wargaming binge. Tonight, Battletech, Tomorrow, Song of Blades and Heroes and Saturday all day, Flames of War. My birthday is on the 9th of July, so I’m spend my time getting ready and making polish stuffed cabbage.


We must all be similar people. I have that exact pattern as well. I was afraid it would go out of stock so I bought 200 pieces. I also bought 200 of the matching bowls. You can never have enough bowls.

Tonight’s home made Chinese.

I just got my new ring! :heart_eyes: We had just lost the stone but we got a new band too. Rose gold my favorite. :ring:


i’m having mom’s macaroni dinner with LOTS of cheese, then for desert a bowl of strawberries with sugar sprinkled over them. :yum:

glad to hear it arrived misbecky! /hugs

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Well I went and threw myself on the mercy of staffing.

They were kind enough to give me Wednesday and Thursday off next week. Thank muh gooses cuz I need it.


Rep grind. Ugh.

I’m working on getting faction rep up so I can get a heritage armor set once I get up to 120 (that’ll be tomorrow or the day after). Since I was only friendly to start out, I’m running Shadow Lab over and over and over ad nauseum with my faction tabard.

If you need me, I’ll be in a corner, crying.

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The paychecks must be nice, but that won’t do any good if you’re too worn out to enjoy it.

Yeah my last one was, and this next one will be better. Great opportunity for me to put some money away and save for school clothes and Christmas for the kids.

Perhaps something nice for me. A new desk chair, a gaming one, if I find something I like that is.

Ugh, just had to drop my raid group. :frowning: My oldest friend just changed schedules so that our only shared time off was Tuesday afternoons/evenings - when my group’s first raid of the week is. Luckily, they’re super chill and understanding about things like this, but I still feel bad.

(In fairness, it’s better than our old “shared time off” - which was none of it! :rage:)




wanted to play moar WoW, but iz hot and iz stuffed. still a bit too early to sleep, but may say “sod it”, and nod off. =_=

got errands to run in the morning anyway, so may as well get a headstart. .-.

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Hope everyone is doing well tonight. I went to EB Games earlier today and purchased a nice new Steelseries gaming keyboard for $80.

Replaces my old Acer keyboard that came with my PC when I purchased it a couple years ago. I’ve been doing hardware upgrades to prepare for Shadowlands. :smiley:


i managed to snag a nice one at Staples for a decent price…little over $100 if i recall correctly. might’ve been little under $200.

hopefully you’ll find one you like that’s on sale, if not for a reasonable price.

@Darthwraith wait, “free skin”? or is this something unrelated to WoW? i’ve been concentrating on Classic, as well as watching youtube, so i’m not too familiar with what’s going on in Standard. @_@

I believe that is a joke, Regnyl. An illustration of what happens when a new skin/appearance is released in a game and everyone gets it, so they all look the same… told visually by the Scooby gang. :smiley:


Ret roh

Like zoinks Scoob we all look the same

Hehehehehehe (it is hard to type the scooby laugh. Lol)


You are making me miss my characters in Dragon Age - especially the Dwarves from Orzammar. Oghren would love saying that.

/sigh … I really need to find time to play that again.

Just some random gaming humor i found on facebook thot id share tho that garrosh xmog that player has i woudlnt mind having.