[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Meh. Good morning.

Can’t sleep, body hurts and a overwhelming feeling of dread and helplessness. Feels like a Tuesday I guess.

Casual reminder to take care of your liver. You won’t realize it until it’s, well, gone due to it being replaced with scar tissue.

Also yes, stay safe during fire season. Wildfires don’t mess around and tend to not care what happens to be in their way.


Fortunately for Michigan, we haven’t had a bad fire season for quite a while, though I’ve probably just jinxed us (knocks on wood). We had a red flag/fire weather warning yesterday, as it was pretty breezy, and humidity was down around 15-25%, which is soooo strange for a patch of land practically surrounded by water.

Same with Jack Pines. And the (formerly endangered) Kirtland’s Warbler will only nest on the ground in young Jack Pine forest (and only in a very small part of Michigan), so they actually kind of “need” fires every now and then.

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I know the feeling, my legs and feet was killing me all day, and looks like the same for today.

Doing more hospice stuff today. Video conference with my Dad’s Primary Care Physician. (Can’t use the Acronym)



Absolutely gorgeous out there, wouldn’t mind doin some fishing there.

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I go through periods of not playing at all; and then there are times like this week, when it seems like weekly maintenance is the only reason I get the chores done.


I feel that. It’s been like that for a bit for me, just burned out right now.

However, I can not wait for some Pandamonium!

I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad. Hugs to you and we’re here if you need us. :dracthyr_heart: :people_hugging:


Same! I go through binges where I play a ton, then take a long break. Looking forward to the Panda event. Trying to decide what class to use. One I know well and want Mogs for, or one that I DON’T have yet…

Decisions decisions. If I have time I might do one of each armor class.


Stormfury just pushed my Doors “button”.

“When I was back there in seminary school, there was a person there who put forth the proposition…”

So I had to go and listen to it, of course! Not posting it here, but it is one of my favorite songs by them and Jim Morrison.

“Chocolate Vodka”, huh? I think I may have created the infamous “Mudslide” many years ago when I added Hershey’s chocolate milk to a bottle of Jack. The Mudslide came way after that.

Did you have a stomachache, my friend? Gotta go slow when it’s vodka. Nowadays, since my crazy rockin’ drummin’ days, I just drink the real chocolate milk. Easier that way when you’re my age.


I think it’s great that we can acquire the ensembles of other armor types and unlock it account wide, plus each ensemble being class agnostic.

But if you were looking to add more alts to your stable in an expedited environment, this certainly will be valuable.


Ugh my work ac is butes the regulator that controls the hot and cold is busted were waiting on a part im not sure whats hotter inside or outside at this point.

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DW I’m headed your way tomorrow, want me to bring you some ice?


Im good ty youd have to bring enough for the whole front end were all melting thankfully we all have waterbottles.

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Interesting, Looks like the FTC banned Noncompete clauses.

I remember interviewing for a game company as a texture artist. They tried to get me to sign a Non Compete. When I read it, I was like hell no. Basically it would block me from doing ANY artwork for any company. The job was to last 6 months. I noped right out.


We also have apop machine that has lots of ice so we can keep nice hydrated.


Sigh, this really bums me out. I enjoy using the companion app. It is a great way to keep doing mission tables on all my alts. Great source of pet charms for me.


Yeah, I know some people really liked using it. I think the issue is the overall use was rather low, so maybe not worth maintaining? Or maybe there are changes coming with the War Within that might break some functionality and would take a lot to update. Those are just guesses of course, but makes sense.


Was a shame when they did it with the last one you could use the Auction House on too, very handy.

Yeah, the current version has the AH access as well. I barely use that function, but will really miss the mission tables. Saves so much time!!

Yeah since sometimes you’re far from a an AH/Mission table and you get to use it while AFK - gives you something to do. Still think they need to add pet battling to it, but oh well.

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