(CS LOUNGE):Happy Halloween

Congratulations, and wishes for many safe miles in your future. \o/


Several years ago, sometime in the early seventies I believe, some guy ran a light and crashed into a car in the intersection.

Nobody was hurt but the elderly (97 year old) gentleman who was hit also got a ticket because he didn’t have a license.

In court he explained that drivers’ licenses were not yet required when he first learned to drive, and he just had never gotten around to getting one.

It was his first accident, so it had never come up before.


Doesn’t sound weird at all. Makes perfect sense to me.

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Congrats, Ughash!


WOOHOO congrats! Happy driving :fireworks: :ribbon: :boom:

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THANK YOU ALL!! :smiley: So so so so much!!! SO happy to have that under my belt! ;D WOOP WOOP! /train Ate at famous daves to celebrate now im dead tired and probably gonna go nap for a few! Thank you all again:)


Man, have not had Famous Daves in in forever.

Grats on your license bud.

Weird thing, usually my customer chat channels flash when a message is in them. I have a guild chat and a raid chat, that has guild enabled in it as well…just in case…they are not flashing anymore. I wonder why.

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Took the leftover ham and sausage and did up some eggs for burritos.


/noms Vrak


Kingdom Hearts III has finally gone gold.

Two more months, ladies and gents!

Got a new addition to the pride. A little kitten named Sassy, like the others, she just showed up howling for food. Now she’s got a belly and starting to warm up to me. She’s about 3-4 months old.



Its almost lunchtime, and I haven’t even had time for breakfast yet.

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Alright, let’s give this a go.

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