(CS LOUNGE):Happy Halloween

Wow, a coworker happened to tune into the news just in time for all of us to watch a high speed car chase in Southern California. I have to admit to being rather impressed at the way they ended it, planning ahead to get the road cleared, timing it for when there was a high sound wall, and the cop clipping the car just enough that the car thief couldn’t keep moving straight and had to brake or hit the sound wall.

– Lethie Drake’s alt :smirk:

Ever have an ear infection when your ear feels constantly wet?

Yes, and it’s annoying!!!

Mine has finally dried up but there’s ear wax issues and tldr I’m using qtips to clean it out


Glad it dried up though.



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:5 Hr Energy:

Had a Java Monster last night. Didn’t get to sleep until close to 7 AM and had to be up for work at 8:30 AM.

Needless to say, I’m dragging today.

Ouch. That’s not great. How many mgs of caffeine do you think was in that thing??

According to the Monster Energy page: 188mg per can

It’s that stage of sleeplessness where any caffeine looks good.

I relate. >_> Running on 3 hours of sleep here.

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Weird. I can’t seem to reply to the thread itself, but I can reply to posters.

Also, being able to “like” Blue posts is awesome.


Since caffeine has a half life it’ll also depend on what time it was taken.

So, does “unlisted” just mean the same as locked?

That’s way, way too much :frowning:

I’d personally recommend something called Neuro Sonic. Tastes great, 100mg of caffeine boosted by other nutrients, and keeps ya going for quite a while. More naturally-produced ingredients, too.

I don’t think I’ve seen an “unlisted” thread yet. I’ve seen “Closed” which might be the same as locked. So many new things to get used to :slight_smile: I like it though. Wasn’t sure if I would, but so far so good.

I had one I left up last night when I closed my laptop. Came back this morning, and its “unlisted” with a Blizz link - but clicking it took me to Ory’s profile (which is obviously private) and nothing else.

No, unlisted means that the thread is open but you need a URL to get to it. For instance, I transferred my spotlights over from the old forums. They are currently unlisted, but if I include the link ( Spotlight On - Guild Management and Security - #2 ) you should be able to view it.

Is it a thread you were creating? That might be a kind of draft mode, but I am not entirely sure.

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“a seven-per-cent solution. Would you care to try it?”

(The Sign of Four, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, (1890))

EDIT: Well, highlighting and selecting the quotes didn’t format this like I expected.

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Can vouch; Neuro Sonic is my go-to whenever I need a pick-me-up. Takes a couple minutes for it to really kick in, but once it does, you can go for several hours depending on how quickly you drain it.

Conversely, stay away from the Neuro Sleep unless taken in extreme moderation. Tiny, tiny bottles, but maaaan I tried one once. Drank the entire thing and I couldn’t stay awake at all the following day. Thankfully, I didn’t have any obligations that day, but still…

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