(CS LOUNGE):Happy Halloween

I fix.

Looks like quotes need to have their own line - after the [/quote] make sure to hit enter and then put your reply underneath. Seems to do the trick.

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Funnily enough, Sleep doesn’t seem to work for me. Like… at all. Maybe I just don’t process melatonin or if I do, I do so very quickly, because I can drink the whole bottle in an hour and only feel mildly tired and have crappy sleep the whole rest of the night. >.<

I do find that I work my way through painkillers and numbing agents very fast, too. Getting my two crowns, the dentist had to numb me like 3 times, and back on my 21st birthday, I had four or five shots and a beer and was only barely tipsy by the end of the night, so who knows. Maybe I just have an OP liver.

OP liver, please nerf soon, how long can Blizzard let Myra’s liver keep winning at PvP?


This thread is in need of more chicken nuggets.


With a locally sourced Heirloom Tomato Compote

I can’t do energy drinks. They have the opposite effect on me. I crash. HARD. But Coke Zero, Tea, etc? Nothing. Psychologically, however, my Coke Zero is an excellent coffee in the morning haha.

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All I need is water and I’m awake, I don’t actually have caffeine in the morning.
(Or really at all… >.> )

puts out a pot of coffee and cookies

I love coffee and have to have when I first get up. I maybe drink 3 or 4 throughout the day but not after 10pm, then it’s flavored water, especially peach flavor.

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Just to add onto that, when the previous forums were new, the first lounge went to 1614 posts. :slight_smile:

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I prefer scotch flavored water myself. But coffee will do.



By running the JSON trick I can see the IP addresses I’m logged on the forums at.

Possible security feature ?

Weirdo. :stuck_out_tongue:

My coffee mug holds 52 ounces (a wee bit more than 1.5L). That’s almost enough to get me from the shower to the time clock.


Morning… Or rather night for me, just got off work. Ughhhhh.

Eh, I’m used to it at this point that it doesn’t feel weird to me. But I love the smell of coffee when I first wake up…

I’m a 3rd shifter also. I interview for another shift next week. Lets hope. 3rd shift plays havoc with my health. Mental and physical

Evidently TW isn’t a choice of posting avatars. Probably because I haven’t logged in to him in so long. I’ll have to ruminate on that.

Florida is being bipolar again. It was 40F/4.4C when I got off. It’s forecast for 77/25 later.

Yes my heat is running. It’s 58/14.4 in my place and I need to shower. Which will probably mean heat and AC in the same day.

I do wish it would let me edit the OP though. If this is infinite scroll, “Happy Halloween” is going to look weird forever.

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I don’t like coffee at all, but I love the smell of it brewing

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I’ve also never had coffee before, so I have no idea if I like it or not, but the smell of it brewing is soooo good

Yeah, I had to o log into Perl and then wait for the forums to catch up again before I could post on her. Only stayed logged in for a minute and that’s about it.

Yeah, TW has become “me” here on the forums,but other than Kitten’s wedding years ago( He’s still wearing the tux) the ONLY time I’ve logged in to him has been MG’s memorials.


Now that is a lot of coffee! @Teufelgott