(CS LOUNGE):Happy Halloween

I can’t right now. :frowning:

I’m using my phone to post, and I won’t be home for another 9-10 hours. >.<

There have been some complaints, not sure how valid, that the Overwatch forum has had some really touchy suspensions. There were even rumors that if a post gets enough flags it is creates an automatic suspension.

As far as I’m aware, this is current design but doesn’t mean it can’t change. Discourse gives us a lot of Flag Accuracy details and auditing that we didn’t have previously, so this may be something we ask for at a later date if we find that it’s super necessary.

Currently, uber-flagged posts may be hidden until a Moderator reviews it. It shouldn’t affect your account standing from what I’m aware of. We do have some emergency things to help with moderation that we’ve enabled, but I don’t want to go too far into those details to prevent potential gaming for as long as possible. :slight_smile:

Looking into this (I can cheat and see it from the Moderator side). I believe you get a notification when your level changes, but don’t quote me on that quite yet.

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Blu posted a way to see it. You’re level 1, Berry

Ah, Blu post - thought someone did! /digs <3

/noms Glaxi No word yet on the Blue avatars?

Blizzard Avatars might be a bit. We definitely want them back, but we want to prioritize quality of life and improvements for the overall forum users (as well as complete deploying for all of our forums) first. There’s a lot behind the scenes that will take priority over the cosmetic for us, but it’s on our list. :slight_smile:


Just wanna make sure you guys know all the private forums were exposed when old ones went down.

MORNING ALL!! Forums feel like a new game to me >.> I love it haha. Ran stratholme hmmm 55 times now lol! almost to 100 lets do it boi’s!

The limited flagging and liking is my only real complaint so far. I really like everything else. :heart:

Yeah it was brought up in the MVP chat and fixed pretty quickly.

Also anyone notice that there are no posts in the Blue Tracker? Bug or does it just take some time to populate?

I do want to pass on a “THANK YOU” to the web team. They’ve been very quick and responsive when specific issues are reported, like the ability to post in GD and subsequent inability to post in CD.

And thank you, Glaxigrav, for the answer on the inappropriate flag.

– Lethie Drake alt :smirk:

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Blue Tracker is based on the type of Blue Poster. BlizzTracker will highlight items from Community, Dev & QA. CS posts aren’t tracked on the BlizzTracker (we’re super active, and would easily push out any content your average forum-goer might be looking for).

Since clicking on the BlizzTracker will filter down the forum that you’re viewing, make sure to select BlizzTracker from the Forum Index to see absolutely all of the posts!


Understood Glaxi, its a touchy area and I was hesitant to bring it up.

My thanks for your indulgence.

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Ah thanks… I would give you a like, but… well…


LOL, gave a like from an alt on your behalf. :silly silly me:

– Lethie Drake alt :smirk:

It is amazing the platforms that are out there for aspiring artists now, as opposed to sending demo tapes i the past, isn’t it?

Yeah, wish we would have had all of these back in the day when I was actually able to create and not stuck in this, what seems like a decade, long block.

Awesome:) Glad to hear!

Man, I am really having an unpleasant day today. I think it might be time for a change to be made. :S
