(CS LOUNGE):Happy Halloween

So it says I’m out of likes for the day, yet still shows my like on the post. :man_shrugging:


LOL, I actually posted on the Website Bug Report forum - I’ve been adding multiple likes even though I’m supposedly out and need to wait, originally 8 hours and now it says 7. I liked your post in spite of that message.

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I’ve been using :put my action in here: (using colons) which is common for the emojis (and sometimes I find a funny emoji for what I was about to say). :gasp:

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Going back to pack up my apartment in LA. Moving back to SD to take care of him. Really loved LA but excited to be back




It works and my daughters love Ariana so you get a like for posting it. :heart:

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Haha! I just clicked to load the video and my 5 year old daughter came up to me and started dancing! +1


My two oldest went to see her when she was out here in Phoenix. They said it was an amazing concert.

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Two things I’ve since discovered / had brought to my attention.

One is that it will show the like (rather than clear it) when it gives the warning, but then it goes away if you reload the page or go to another thread and come back. So it’s just a display thing, not actually getting more likes to give.

The other is that because many of these things are character-specific (trust levels, post counts, settings), we can swap characters and have more likes to give. Since we can lurk and like, even without them getting to Trust Level 2, that gives me a :crazy_face: crazy number of likes to give.

– Lethie Drake alt :smirk:

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Hmmm that is weird. I also don’t like that we have a limited amount of flags, that seems like a recipe for people being able to run amok on the forums. Especially if it happens late when most people have already used their flags. That can’t be something that is working correctly.

Troye is a gay performer who started on YouTube and made it really big. :slight_smile: I love his music!

Hehe, I’m going to guess the alt thing will give some of us a lot of flags too.

– Lethie Drake alt :smirk:

Limited flags are intentional to help curb report abuse, but the numbers are configurable and changeable on our side. They also scale with Trust Level, so more trusted users have more flags they can cast for Moderators. This is definitely something new, so we’re looking at how it impacts overall reporting, how accurate are these reports, and whether or not the thresholds are appropriate.

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Some yes some no.

My mother remarked that she and my stepfather worried Id never find my way out of the hole I was in. I did eventually…guess Im too stubborn or too stupid to give up.

Curious question - is it also intentional that we can’t explain why we feel something is inappropriate? (Example was flagging something inappropriate based on the two emoji combination someone did, and a deliberate misuse of a particular vegetable to suggest something crude. I have to just hope the mod that looks knows the usage/reference.)

– Lethie Drake alt :smirk:

Glaxigrav: I know this isnt the place , but what worries me is me logging in to find Ive been suspended for a malicious report, and waiting ages for it to be overturned.

I KNOW that the mods can recognise them when they see them, the potential for abuse over a vendetta…some people in GD are…not nice people.:frowning:


I love sleeping next to my dog. I’ve missed it for the three months I was in LA

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Dumb question but … where can you find your trust level? Or do you just have to guess?

I’ve seen you make some impassioned posts in the past Aehl, and you skirt the line on occasion, but I can’t see a moderator suspending you when they reviewed one of your posts, no matter how many flags it received from GDers.

I cant discuss it here. Come see me on my server, make an L1 alt.