[CS Lounge] Fall Festivities and Friends!

It’s not 9 AM yet in Cali, there’s a good chance folks aren’t in the office yet. I’m sure they’ll be busy again today though

Orlyia was on yesterday, not sure about their days off. Vrakthris will likely be on later.

But they’re not on around the clock. And forums are not the only duty.

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Oh wait, did DST end over there or did DST make timezones even more confusing since it started over here.

Oh I know.

Ends 3 November 2024.



I think the world needs to do the right thing, and just remove all DST.


Honestly, I don’t care which they pick, just pick ONE!


Mom inlaw has to go for a procedure tomorrow. She is absolutely freaking out and making the largest mountain out of this molehill. She is taking it all out on my wife and I by screaming and yelling at us about anything and everything. Makes me want to…

/rant off

runs and grabs a vat of coffee Ty Ayukama and Mirasol.

and on a funny note


I would love for a revival of that to go on tour. I’ve always wanted to see it.


We actually did that as the Fall musical at my High School (we got away with quite a bit), which was a very fun way to get introduced to the show, then later went to see the Deaf West production in NYC.


I saw a little snippet of that, it looked amazing.

Did you ever see the show Rise from 2018? It was a brief series of a high school drama club who was putting on Spring Awakening, and all the controversy that caused. It was very well done.


Hope everything goes well for your Mother-in-law. Also, best wishes for the mood to calm down around your homestead.


Jesus, former 1Der Liam Payne??

Way, way too young. :frowning:


Are players supposed to have the ability to pvp their own faction in open world pvp?

I just noticed on moonguard there’s a yellow nameplate kul tiran pvping other alliance in the SW mage tower portal room.

:dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

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Those zone restrictions though.

Same faction pvping is being done in the stormwind portal room, so I’m not sure if it’s that toy.

Yeah, the toy won’t work in ORG or SW. I have the toy and have used it quite a bit in the zones for which it was designed.

Could said player be under a buff that makes them appear as Kul Tiran? Have you looked up the character via the Armory to verify their race?

I can’t think of anything right off hand that would allow same faction pvp in that area. But if I do, I will update this post.

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Well I finally decided to finish both meta achievements for Icecrown. Now I have both titles and all 3 mounts from it.

I also finished the dungeon hero meta that gives you the red proto-drake. Now I need to get started on Ulduar. I don’t know that instance at all.


Well are u looking in uldawrong place.

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Yes to removing DST and I also propose removing time zones. The time is the time. In different regions, the work day will be at different times, but so what? No more scheduling an international meeting for 9am in the New York office which is 3pm for the Swiss contingent and 10pm for the Koreans. Nope… the meeting’s at 9am. And everyone has the same 9am. For some it’ll be morning, for some it’ll be afternoon and for some it’ll be night.

And while we’re at it, change time to a base 10 (i.e. metric) system. The day is divided into 10 units (i.e. hours), which can be further divided into decimals. “Midnight” would be 0.000 and “noon” would be 5.000. 7:00pm would become 7.92. The tenth place correlates to about 15 minutes. The hundredth place about 1.5 minutes. And the thousandth about 9 seconds. And obviously more decimals gives more precision. (I think my arithmetic is correct there). If you wanted to schedule a meeting for, say, 2:30pm, you’d set it for 6.00 (which would actually be 2:24pm, but close enough). I think the French tried something like this back in the 1700s, but it never took hold, probably because, well you know, they’re French. :laughing:

I also think the standard calendar should be changed to a 10 day week, with 3 weeks per month. And then 5 (or 6) days at the end to match the solar year. Or was it 10 months, each with (4) 9 day weeks, plus the 5 (or 6) at the end. Hmm… I know I’ve got this all written down somewhere:


I say yes removing to DST, but time zones, I wouldn’t advocate. I wouldn’t want it to be to the point where the time says 10am in the middle of the night, or saying midnight in late in the morning.

You know the calendar is set up to match how long it takes for the Earth to rotate around the sun.

Fun fact for anyone who didn’t know, did you know it takes 365.25 days for the earth to rotate around the sun, but since it is impossible to have only quarter of a day, we instead have a leap year every 4 years.