[CS Lounge] Fall Festivities and Friends!

I hate hard yolk yuck.


I hate runny yolk. I can tell I’m not alone, because I went over to r/unpopularopinion to post my unpopular (at least according to every YouTube cooking channel) opinion. But first I searched, and there were many, many previous posts saying what I was going to say.

So maybe it’s not all that unpopular. But I’m sure not seeing anyone on YouTube be like, “Look at this beautifully cooked egg. Perfectly firm, opaque yolk…”

While we’re on breakfast foods, I also don’t like maple bacon. Pancakes and fruit and sweet toppings may share a plate, and meat, eggs, potatoes, and all the savory foods may share a plate, but the bacon must stay strictly out of the syrup! Another hot take I should probably (not) post on r/unpopularopinion.

If you can’t tell I’m laughing at myself rn for being silly about egg yolks.


I cant stand mushrooms i find them slimy and disgusting if its mushroom soup ill tolerate huge chunk oh hell.

Happy turkey day.


More mushrooms for me! I should hate them for the same reason -they can be slimy but they are also really good for some reason. I don’t eat them raw, but I do love them sauteed in some butter and red wine for putting over steak or rib roast slices. Pasta, soup, pizza, etc. Yep. All good.

Oysters though - right back into the texture issue. Horrible slimy snot balls.


Shudders and screams internaly mushrooms are my cilantro.


I’m fine with runny yolks, and love oysters (steamed, fried, or raw). I’m even quite fond of escargot. I prefer fresh mushrooms to canned, but they shouldn’t be actually slimy.

I think the only thing I really don’t like is fresh celery. Mushy cooked celery in a dish is acceptable, but if it’s firm enough for me to pick it out, I will.


I love escargot! Especially in a pastry with a butter / garlic wine sauce. YUM!




Had a pretty bad storm today…

Thing the weather is going to be crazy this year.


Be safe. That looked like a nasty storm.

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Yikes! Stay safe!


Nice. Took me a second. :laughing:

For mods only…

Just understand that the current forum software doesn’t work the same as the old version did. If you post something then immediately edit it, they will NOT see what was originally there.

As there is no “Edited” tag on your post, they will have no way of knowing what you posted.

Basically, you’d have to post and leave it for about 3-5 mins before editing it (so that the edit symbol shows) and then they will see the info that was edited out.


Ok. I’ll pass then… rather than have the whole peanut gallery here get all up in a tizzy. I know some folks won’t be capable of just letting it sit for 3 minutes.

If it’s that sort of post, it’s not appropriate for the forums anyway.

If there’s something to report for them, report it with the flag feature. Alternatively, if you’re looking to appeal something, use the ticket option here.

Just an FYI, even using the term “peanut gallery” is basically trolling. It’s like saying, I want to upset people but without them getting upset. You’re part of the “gallery” by the way :wink:

/chants “One of us! One of us!”


Huh… The weather forecast for today calls for “Lake Effect Rain showers.” Don’t think I’ve ever heard of those, but it makes sense in a way.

Feeling a bit better, after going to bed right after work Saturday and not doing much all day Sunday. Sinuses are a bit stuffed up, and my back is sore (from coughing), but at least I have some energy. Might even get out for a walk at lunchtime.

You don’t have to be crazy to work be here, but it helps. :wink:


I never even heard of the term.

Am I lucky to not heard of it?


/puts out coffee, tea and lots of cool drinks for everyone to enjoy

Hope everyone is doing good this evening/morning/afternoon, which ever part of the world you all are in.

It came in pretty fast actually. Where I live, I was safe, but there was some flooding along my street, just mostly due to block up drain pipes, but nothing major in my area.

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Thank you!

Just what I needed right now. Just fed the cats and this was my next task.

Winds whipping up here and throwing black walnuts everywhere. My back yard is a hazard right this second! I still have a bruise on my arm from where the tree hit me (on purpose I suspect!) when I fell.