[CS Lounge] Fall Festivities and Friends!

Today was shaping up to be such a good day. I’m TL 3. A bunch of stuff I need at the grocery store is on sale. The cat seems to have taken a hiatus from breaking stuff. It’s nice and sunny out.
Then I found out a friend died. Today sucks.


Happy 430th birthday.




Thanks guys. That makes me happy.


I guess since your a worgen ur tails wagfing.



LETS GO OILERS!!! It’s time for NHL hockey!!!


Hmm, burnt uncooked rice smells just like burnt popcorn. Really need to remember to turn the lights on when using the microwave, to make sure I hit the right buttons.

Now I gotta make a new heating pad sock.


Oh no… that reminds me it is time for the nightly ice pack.

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Luckily I had a spare bag of brown rice. So just grabbed a new tube sock and dumped the rice into it and tied it off. Then made sure I only heated it up for a couple of minutes this time.

It comes in very handy for applying heat to isolated areas that a normal heating pad isn’t going to reach well. In this case, I pulled a muscle in my neck so a heating sock works great there.

How are you doing? Will you need to see a DR for your injuries? I can imagine you are stove up after the fall.

Hope you have a full recovery soon.


I think I can avoid the doc as long as the knee starts healing. Right now all they would do is tell me to go home and rest, ice, support/compress, and elevate. Of course ibuprofen too. Ribs are not broken just badly bruised. The cuts are bandaged and clean. Crushed hand is not broken just colorful!

So, knee might need attention but we will see once I can walk again and the swelling is down. So glad the W store has same day delivery. They brought me crutches I ordered in only a few hours yesterday and even handed them to me at the door so I could avoid stairs.

This just sucks though. I had so many outdoor things to do with the weather being nice.

Hope you are ok too! Do you have power back yet?


Thanks! Best wishes that your knee is able to bounce back on its own.

Yes, we have power and the internet is back as well. Though both are still being spotty and dropping at times (to be expected).

The inspector for our Ins. Co. came out yesterday to assess the damages. They are giving us the max coverage for the barn damage. It is effectively “totaled” because the full repair costs would exceed our coverage. Inspector suggested (and we agreed) to remove the damaged trusses and beams and just leave the area that wasn’t damaged. It is not cost effective to try and replace all those 40’ trusses. We would need bucket trucks and lifts. I really don’t want my yard destroyed as well with all that machinery.

On the plus side, doing that will effectively “move” the barn further away from the house. Which will be good in case another storm comes through and winds blow from a different direction – so that it would be less likely to damage house should it all come down.

He also checked the roof on the house and it came through just fine. Our vinyl privacy fence had some damage to the gates, so that was covered as well and we can just get our fence guy to shore up those.


The thing about knees Mirasol is they hide injury very well. If there is a tear, the swelling will not go down. Ibuprofen or toradol will help to a point. And the pain will escalate. I just want to give you a fair heads up from personal experience. My dr took one look at my knee and had my MRI the next week. And I’m in Canada where it can take a year to get an MRI.


Yesterday, my avatar was wearing the “wrong” gear, so I jumped in-game, made sure he had the right transmog, then relogged into the forums to refresh. And couldn’t select a character - they were all missing. So maybe the whole forum issue yesterday was my fault. :dracthyr_shrug:

Incidentally (and I know I’m shouting into the aether here), the last step in the troubleshooting from the support page (https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/312914?flowTrackingId=0675609b-44ce-4a5c-97c3-0d13f0be1791) suggests you post on the Customer Support Forums. Which you can’t do if you can’t select a character.

But it’s all better now (hopefully for good this time).

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Some funny fails to lighten the day:


Just bringing this here to pass on advice without derailing someone’s thread:

Pooh, if you wish to go off-topic to compliment on someone’s name, just copy the link of the post, and past the link to the post your replying too in here. Then that way, you won’t have your post removed, and you can tell them that you like their name. No need to go off-topic in another thread in order to do so.

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I wish I had game time to change transmog :sob:

There is nothing like the smell of a brand new furnace running for the first time. :nauseated_face:
We left the bedroom window open last night and it’s down to 35 outside. Bedroom got really cold, and my hubby is sick (just a cold), so he didn’t want to wait for the house to warm up on its own.


Dey gots skeelz: