[CS Lounge] Fall Festivities and Friends!

I actually do know someone who does, though I am not going to name them, but yes, there is some that actually do.

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I saw on the news the extent of the damage caused by the hurricane. Just glad that you and your family are safe, just hoping that the missing people are found alive, and sending prayers and thoughts for the families that has one of 120 confirmed deceased



The devastation to life and limb wrought by this storm was … well, not sure if there are words to accurately describe what was left in her wake.

It exponentially worsened as it went further inland.

I have been through many a hurricane and have never seen the level of destruction as what she did further north.

Wishing the best for all involved.


You know what’s funny? A week ago I saw someone complain about server downtime (a brief outage - not maintenance) late at night. Because it was morning in Australia. If they did it at “3AM” like some of these people suggest, we’d have the forums full of angry Australians who had their actual prime time interrupted.

People need to realize there is a such thing as time zones, and the NA region covers about 13 hours of time zone.


<——-points to Ayukama. Angry Australian?

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It’s kind of like a car accident. I know I shouldn’t look, but I just can’t help it.


Yay! So glad that was available for you guys. Having fuel for the generator is a really nice thing.

Yeah… Mountains with steep terrain, valleys with farms/towns in them, isolated homes and communities. It was remote to start with, but that area is not made to get that amount of water in a short time. It floods. That much water + winds on steep terrain was catastrophic. Vermont and parts of NH also lost a ton of roads this summer to unusual heavy rains, but it did not come with the wind.


That is a very correct term to put it actually :joy:

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I avoid gd except for the mega threads when its a slow week for the cs forum couple of mega thread on gd.

I shoulda bought a bag of candy while I was out running errands earlier. May see if I can source some EU Haribo Starmix gummis. Way better than the US version.

I can also really see myself enjoying an evening of Irish whisky and dark chocolate truffles.


Please, please, PLEASE! Stop using AI generated text to voice in my training videos.

Albanese gummy bears are the best from the US!


I’m a gummi snob. Haribo or nothing. :face_with_monocle:


I like to look up videos to learn how to pronounce people’s names, and there are a few good channels I use.

I’ve noticed in recent years scads of additional channels have cropped up, and they are mostly completely horrible. They use crappy text-to-speech, but being bad doesn’t matter – they just want the ad impression.

Yes! Kroger brand used to be about 80% as good as Albanese, and I’m cheap so I bought them, but then it looked like they switched to a different manufacturer for store brand candy and the gummi bears became awful. So now it’s Albanese or nothing. Trying to cut back on sugar anyway, so I only buy them when the big bag goes on sale.

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The game still hates me. My main remains pantsless after vault and a check of the world quests.


The only item I have that is still 550s is the pants! Everything else is 580s or something.

I can report that I cooked the Butterball turkey bacon in the oven - on a wire rack so it wasn’t sitting in its own juices - and got it fairly crispy. It made an acceptable bacon & tomato sandwich. It’s not the same, but overall I found it an acceptable alternative. The other night I made one sandwich with real bacon and one with turkey bacon. With mayo and tomatoes on, I could tell them apart - but only if I was paying attention.


I was like that with my wrist until last week where I gave up and crafted mine.


October’s Trading Post reward from last year is now available for purchase.

Still waiting for the Blood Troll set that was available two months prior.

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Still waiting the chain mail bikinis that was datamined a while ago in 10.0.5

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I wish the ‘Suggested Posts’ section could be disabled. :frowning:

Sometimes there’s an interesting-sounding post down there but it ends up being from General and 100% of the time it makes my head hurt and wish I didn’t click on it.