[CS Lounge] Fall Festivities and Friends!

Not this gal! I’ve got a six-hour roundtrip drive every other weekend as it is, and that takes days for me to rest up from. I would beggar myself at Walmart again before that long of a commute. :sweat_smile:


Sort of funny story not related to Walmart, although I did have to deal with them today. Minor delivery status issue. No big deal.

Anyway, this one involves the garage, the car, a mouse, and a mouse trap. There was a mouse trying to nest in the engine cover insulation. I removed the cover, cleaned the engine, blocked/fixed all access to the garage under the door, and set up a snap trap.

I DID catch the one mouse the same day. I reset the trap though just in case and put it over near the garage door where the mouse had likely come in.

After a week or two of catching nothing I was not thinking much of it. Checked today and the trap was tripped and flipped over! Something was in it. Not a mouse.

I caught a SLUG. A very big slug that went for the peanut butter. A slug big enough to set off a mouse trap. I guess the garage is not slug proof.

How very unexpected!


We are ready to go to Loydminster for a dog show. Truck is all packed up and ready to go. We’re betting on Mimic to get the 1 point needed for his Grand Champion title. Plus we’re expecting him to get way more. And for those wondering, our hotel is on the Alberta side and the show is on the Saskatchewan side.


Scheduled road closure tonight turned out to be major all night electrical work. My landladies caretakers thought that it was happening tomorrow night too. Good thing I found some place to hide with power. I’m off all night.




Good morning all. Day started with rain! Yay! Gentle rain, not storm rain.

Today feels like a good day for apple cake with coffee/tea/beverages.

:coffee: :teapot: :bubble_tea: :apple: :cake:

I think I am going to try this easy looking recipe when my parents visit (if they do) in October. Hoping they are feeling well enough to travel. Dad has hurt his back again so waiting on that to heal up. He is 80 and does things like rebuild floors under horse barns, tree cutting then turning tree into firewood, rebuilding the house deck, putting in a new door, etc. Stuff that involves a lot of heavy lifting.


It has been raining all day here, mixture of heavy and light rain. Honestly, I don’t mind the rain, but with how much rain we’ve had here in Sydney over the past couple of years, would just want to see more clear days/nights.


Thinking of cleaning out the guild banks, massively.

I wonder if the old classic/ older expansion herbs and ore are even worth anything anymore, maybe I shouldn’t even bother with the auction house, and just vender it all?

The way professions work now, only the last couple of expansions are worth anything when it comes to herbs and mining. I am thinking of making room for just DF and TWW stuff.

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Older herbs and ores can still be worth it to place on AH. I would at very least check prices at AH before vendoring.

Engineering this expansion is making use of older ores through pilfering.

Older herbs can be beneficial in ALCH or INSC, for glyphs and potions.


Noisy Noisy Noisy… Getting the roof replaced


Tin Roof I guess?

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Now I have Love Shack in my head. Thanks, Ayukama! :stuck_out_tongue:


Ugh, had that song stuck in my head yesterday after it was playing on the radio. And now you mentioned it, it is back in my head :smiley:

Might of well just play it here…


That song always reminds me of Cedar Point, because it was one of the songs in the queues for the roller coasters (and other rides, I suppose, but that place is all about the roller coasters).

Good news - I got out of having to take my mom to a meeting with an estate planner. Bad news - it’s because one of the people she plays mahjong with on Wednesdays tested positive for COVID. Whee.


Best wishes for all involved.


We did that for my mom. She gave my husband power of attorney and set up all her stuff in a trust. It made things so much easier. After she passed, we did that for ourselves. Our assets are in a family trust. Both boys have power of attorney and medical power of attorney as well. It keeps them from having to go to court to get things settled.

I peeked at the October trading post on wowhead and saw they were selling simple black boots. I got all excited until I looked at them. Big ole galoshes. :anguished: Some of the recolored bows look nice.


My parents have done that. I don’t know how it works, but that is what they did. I try not to think about it too much. I need to do something with my own assets - a will at least. I don’t have any kids so that part is simple, but it would not be fun for my family to try to deal with court.


We have a will as well as all that other stuff. The difference between my mom’s estate and my father in laws estate was like night and day. His was a mess. My moms was simple.

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Ugh, kinda bored at the moment.

Like, it is 5 in the morning, I have been awake all night, though I am extremely wide awake, and like can’t think of anything to do to pass the time for a little bit.