[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

Gee, that sounds awfully familiar. You sure you don’t work where I work? :laughing:

If it were me, I’m not sure I’d be able to resist slipping into casual conversation the fact that I had begun floating my resumé around.

I snuck into work crack-of-dawn early this morning to take care of a few things that never seem to get handled on my days off. Snuck back out before the day crew arrived.


Well the boss had different ideas this time. She thought about my vent, and decided I was right. A singular person created this issue today. So she called her into the office, and told her in not very nice terms she was expected to put the groceries away. All of them. Or not to bother coming in Monday.

The person tried to complain to me…oh thats the last time I say anything to anyone about anything…blah blah. I cut her off and said you solely created this work for me. Somebody was “sick” on Wednesday. Fine. I can work past that. Somebody was never aware they were scheduled and I had to cover. I can look past that too. What I cannot look past is intentional extra work created for ME when I can single out exactly where that work came from. I am already short on weekends, and I have spent too many weekends working on the groceries along with my own job. I am not doing it anymore. She started to say something but I said something not very nice and walked away. She started to follow to say something and the cook got in her way told her to not nicely shut her mouth that I was right haha.

Not gonna lie. It felt good.


Good on you. And what’s more is your boss is helping it out! Hopefully she does the work.


No, it is far to hot where I live to work where you do. Trade you.

Oh I was not subtle about it at all. Yesterday I had a pretty decent conversation with my boss about the place and my place in it. The old administrator is poaching staff. Tried to poach me, but I told her I was not interested in a side movement. If she had an upgrade give me a call, but I am not going to make an entire change to a new place, start completely over, unless it is an upgrade for my family.

However when talking with her, I told her I would do almost anything for her(my current boss) She had no idea how bad it was on the weekend. She thought the kitchen manager contributed more to help me out. She found out the truth yesterday. I told her it is killing me. But I do it. And I don’t complain, if there were people willing to come in and help, they would be there.

We talked about how it went downhill when the private owner sold to a corporation. The old owner one day stopped me in the hallway and said something along the lines of…I see you here a lot, I feel really bad I do not even know your name. I’m Beverly, please call me Bev. Whats your name?

Head of administrators, whom has been working out of our location for over 6 months does not even know the job I do, let alone my name.

I told her a lot of my crankiness is that I am burned out. A typical day on Sat or Sun involves me cooking breakfast(normal), serving breakfast(not normal), cleaning all the tables so my other staff have dishes to wash(not normal), cooking lunch(normal), serving lunch(not normal), and then my boss taking over so I can stop doing 2 jobs for the rest of the day. He takes over about 12pm. She wants him there to take over directly and cook lunch.

Anyway, I told her some of it is need vacation burnout, happens every year a few months before I take time off. But some of it was that I was angry. Really angry at the company for not valuing us as employees, not letting her offer .25 more an hour. It is a pittance compared to the OT the place pays, but they will not allow it. And I straight told her my resume is circulating so if you get any calls, don’t be surprised. I owe her that much. However I also told her I will not make any side movements. If it is not upward mobility, I won’t even take the interview.

Edit to my previous post. Teuf can probably relate to this one, but nobody even likes going in our freezer to grab stuff. Burger patties, Ice Cream, anything. Our freezer was STACKED today from the shipment. She had to put all that away and didn’t have a good enough jacket. She asked me if she could borrow mine. I told her are you kidding it is warm out, I don’t even have it. I am usually in and out fast enough in spring and summer that I could do it in shorts and a tee shirt. And have, if we are being honest.

Our walk in blows at -14 to -20F (-25.5 to -28.8C)


Carrying this one over here to respond:

Still a Centaur, but there are a number of projects on the docket that are more important, and therefore ahead of, bringing our avatars over. We hope to have them soon (I’m hoping I can get a high res in the process). :smiley:


That reminds me, do you pick your own, like drawn one, or is there a set of icons do you blues pick from?

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When I started we had to come up with several names as well as selection of what possible avatar we would like. We would choose from practically any creatures from World of Warcraft, though no main characters, bosses, etc…

Our boss, working with Community, vetted the names and avatar choices. Once selected they used one of the old modeling programs to make the avatar. We didn’t really get a choice once the avatar was selected.

I believe I had Centaur as my top, then Furbolg as my second and a squirrel as my third choice. Though I might have had Furbolg as my first choice, which was rejected because one of the guys on my team, Berghe, who had a gorilla. I believe the reason was they were too similar.


Man I would have picked a Tuskar or a Murloc haha


Murloc is already claimed, I believe. I could swear I’ve seen one floating around before…

Tuskar is from Wrath of the Lich King, so weren’t around in Vanilla, when I was selecting my avatar. I think Murloc was either held by someone already or just so popular that there was no way we’d get to use it.


I’m attempting to see you as a squirrel!!


You’d have to be nuts to want to be a squirrel!


Fixed that for you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


yay…more rain.


I hear you.

And the thunder.


No. Pretty sure it was out there. And good call on the Tuskar. I’m tired haha.


PSA— Firefox is fubared at the moment. All extensions and plug-ins are being disabled. According to Mozilla it is a problem with a security certificates, they are aware of it and working to fix the problem.:rainbow:

Ants have gotten into my room somehow, and unfortunately in a place Blake likes to romp, so my control options are limited. I put down a trap and will put down cinnamon, as well, but I don’t know how effective it will be. Doesn’t help that depression and executive dysfunction has kept me from organizing my stuff, so there are plenty of places for these things to hide.

Ugh. Best of luck getting that cleaned up. I used to get a spray at the local hardware store that was kitchen safe. It was orange oil based, and orange oil kills ants.

Might be worth looking into

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