[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

Don’t worry about it, hon. It wasn’t directed at you at all, just a “I need to get this fixed now” kind of thing.

First one I couldn’t get to work, second one is perfect, though. Thank you!! :heart:


Well there’s a first.

Booted from a PUG. Because I brought a few mobs in after dying and rezzing myself and wandering back to the action without much care.

Hadn’t checked if the rest of the group were in a guild/premade group etc. Needless to say best laugh I had all day. I am a terrible player!!!

Hope you are all having a good one :smiley:


You’re welcome.


So tonight is the first night, I believe, that Jean Michelle Jarre’s Oxygene album has been played at Volume in my family home since my brother left to work in a cicrus (long story, worked out for him) in the mid 1980’s.

it’s a rather good composition.

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Thanks. ~hugs back~
I’ll have to get back to you on that. I’m waiting to see if my insurance will approve a scan that will determine the next course of action. My guess is they will deny approval.

Man I am getting really tired of this. Day 3 in the chronicles that is the saga of my workplace.

Scheduled for grocery shipment today, like every Friday. Except somebody was supposed to work today that is not here. They planned to be here. But another employee told them it was a schedule error and they didn’t need to be here. So they didn’t show up.

Except, itnis not a schedule error. So now I get to pick up the slack. I should dump all the extra work on the person that crated it. Instead I vented to the boss and will get it done. Perhaps not right away, but it will get done.

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Something I wouldn’t have known I wanted, but now will probably never want to be without.


I love it when Blake curls up beside me in her version of cuddling. She purrs up a storm when she does.


Hello, my darlings! First Lounge post for this one.

It’s been rainy here… Reina always is scared of the thunder, and takes the opportunity to stare at me in horror before squirming her way beneath the bed to wait it out for a while.

I’m thinking of making some garlic bread and tomato soup when I go home tonight.



That reminds me, I used the last of my last batch of spaghetti sauce yesterday, so I should add the ingredients to make more to the shopping list.


A good soup is wonderful on rainy days, I approve!


Ants found the cat food :c


We have to deal with that constantly with the food I set out for the stray cats around my house. I now place their bowls on a larger container that is coated in cinnamon. So far (fingers crossed), it has been working.

We live on a sand hill (surrounded by woods) and the ants (esp. fire ants) love this area and will take over any type of food left outside that they can.


Dad finally got to see the Amazon Lockers in action. He was tickled about it, I used them in the beginning of the year, and knew he would get a kick out of them. You get an email with a bar code, put the bar code under the laser…“click” “pop” a locker opens.


Mom’s suggested baking soda. So far they don’t seem willing to cross it. I also put out an ant trap for them and they’re swarming it, so hopefully I’ll see some progress soon.


Brown sugar can also work against some ants.

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They don’t seem attracted to sugar, just protein. I left a couple baking soda-coated pieces of cat food for them to ingest, too; hopefully that’ll prove effective in killing them along with the trap.

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Hopefully, it doesn’t come down to getting an exterminator for that infestation.


I’m 99% sure of where they’re coming from, so it shouldn’t be necessary.
But I live in an apartment complex that has pest control come by once a week. They should be able to get them at the source while I clear out what’s inside.

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