[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

It’s a pretty spot-on reflection of early-day server stability. ^~


I can’t decide if I want to call those the “good ol’ days”.

Throws up white flag gave up on trying to stress test.

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Oh, I am. I know it was all part of the testing process. I did end up making it to the character creation screen just a few minutes ago, but it kept timing out. Now servers are locked again.

I just know I will probably have better luck actually getting on to the server and playing over getting this baby to sleep, lol.

Skipping :baby::shark: for some nice relaxing classical :musical_note: and keeping :crossed_fingers:


I thot the stress test was for another 30 min and now there offline oh well

The good, the bad, and the ugly ol’ days?


Samurai is strictly a Japanese term was the point I was making. :slight_smile: I know six dialects of Chinese. I’ve even been there and wrote papers on dialects. My Bachelor’s is in Linguistics, specialty in Asian Languages.


Yes however my wife is Chinese and is the one who wrote that, She said that there are many words such as this that they will use for a meaning in another language. Oh and she has a Bachelors as well.

Oh also Samauri translates to サムライ in the Japanese language and to 사무라이 in the Korean language as I’m sure it translates in all the different languages around the world.

My wife just wanted to let you know why do you not think that it would not translate to Chinese.

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OH I knew you tutored, but didn’t know it was that in depth. That is really cool. I can barely speak non passable spanish haha

Not directed at Alvraen here specifically, I have always wondered…bear with me this is a REALLY stupid thouight…like REALLY STUPID…when hearing another language other than native, I wonder if the listener hears their native language automatically, or if the brain just kinda knows. For example, if I say what?, does my coworker hear que? Or does she hear what and her brain instantly translates it to que? Or does she just hear what and know what it means?

It seems a lot clearer in my head, and I did warn it was a really stupid thought. Welcome to the blank void that is my mind.

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I got the same thing also but i expected the servers to be hammered and i knew it would be a miracle if i got on. None the less i am thankful to have been invited to the stress test none the less. Remembering being a noob and running into Mor’ladim in the raven hill cemetery and getting stomped into the ground by him was so not fun. lol

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I only learned a few Chinese Mandarin and what they call their local language words mainly so I could just say hello, goodbye, I’m full, delicious, things I learned for her Late Mothers delicious cooking.

But you know there’s one word that I noticed that is the same there as it is in many languages and that is the word pronounced “Mama” which has the same meaning in many different languages around the world… “Mother”


Yeah I too thought it would be a miracle to get in and was happy to at least be a part of it as well.
I’m like you I remember well getting hammered by Mor’ladim and also by Hogger when he was southwest of Goldshire in Elwynn Forest before they moved him to Stockades Dungeon.

I remember well when I would get stronger that I would go back from time to time just to get a little payback for all the times they whooped my butt, LOL

What are the magical words for “Please go to sleep, little one”???

Oh that’s right, You have your grandchildren tonight don’t you? Is the baby already through it’s teething spell? Just a thought.

I hear it in all the languages I know so when it’s a common phrase… that can be anywhere between 5-25 languages. :stuck_out_tongue: It comes in handy when I’m interpreting.

Side note. I really wish we had an ignore function back. Sooner, rather than later.


She has a few teeth so far. She is almost 11 months old. So she has quite a ways to go still.

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…that’s just katakana, bud. :stuck_out_tongue: You basically just spelled out its syllables. The Japanese have three different written systems that they combine in everyday publishing–the one you just used is primarily used for foreign words, not native words like samurai.

Try 侍 instead–or, as they used to be named, 武士 (bushi–yes, where the word bushido comes from, which literally means “way of the samurai/way of the warrior”). Or, a more simpler way of writing its syllables: さむらい

Also, I just realized that I had accidentally added a second PTR. Whups. >.< I now have a ticket in to remove it.

Edited for accuracy.


I was just showing where samauri translates to other languages just as it does in Chinese which your second paragraph proves my wife’s point where 武士 actually in Pīnyīn is wǔshì which is warrior/samauri or in the way you say it “way of the samurai/way of the warrior”; The point is that the OP said: Samurai is strictly a Japanese term was the point I was making

What you just said backs up what my wife originally said in this post that started all this debating 5 DAYS Ago!?!?

Edited For Clarity.

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I sure hope that she gets to sleep, I’m no expert but I did help raise my baby sister as I was 13 when she was born so I know a little and changed my share of diapers.
I just hope and pray that the invitro my wife and I are going through works, I would love to be up with one of my own.

Cherish these times even though it’s tough getting through them.


“Warrior” is the general term. Samurai is a native Japanese word specifically referring to warriors who follow bushido, a code of honor developed by the Japanese. The actual Japanese kanji is 侍. Samurai, the word, is not Chinese, though the characters used to depict the concept in the Japanese language were borrowed a couple thousand years ago from the Chinese. That’s the distinction Alvie and I are trying to make.