[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

I’m on my second week of physical therapy. So far, all I’m feeling is more pain. I am really tempted to say no to two more weeks. I will certainly say no if they try to extended it.

Craving chilli today.


We are having Mahi Mahi :fish:, rice, & asparagus for dinner. Then we will be babysitting the grandbaby overnight since my daughter is having surgery in the morning.


That’s a good fish for tacos.


Mahi, Mahi, One more beautiful aqua greenish blue colored fish in the water and a great fight to catch on hook and line but once out of water and dead they turn just a drab grey color, But one of the tastiest fish too, I love them, Mummmm.

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Yeah all these nice dishes are making my Beef Stroughangh Hamburger Helper look Blah, LOL

As of yesterday, my son and his girlfriend were planning to cook Parmesan-crusted chicken and Carolina Reaper mac and cheese.

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Prayers that your daughters surgery goes smoothly and recovers quickly with no complications Kyzera.

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Thank you. =)

I have never understood how fish & tacos could have ever been considered to go together. /shrug

Bummer, I really wanted to do the stress test, but I cannot get past the retrieving realm list. Soon as I go to select the server, it disconnects me. =(

I have been trying since it went live.

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They have recreated the login queue exactly like Vanilla. Long queue with the game logging out once you reach the front of the line.



Hehe…Classic :wink:


Are the forums struggling for everyone else too? I’m assuming it’s just a side effect of the stress test and everyone wanting to post/be a part of it.

Just making sure it’s not just me :wink:


Makes me think of the line ride scene from South Park.

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Looks like Blizzard’s servers are being hammered, getting some lag on the forums.

Yea, I kept getting errors while trying to post. It is lagging while trying to save what I’m typing.

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Me too; At first it would say waiting in que # 2 thousand what not then finally say retrieving realm and then select realm and then kick me out with the WOW0000…519 error and after a few more attempts it told me the server was compacted or something like that (Never saw that before) and now it just says offline.

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Whelp, more sirens tonight. I have heard them more since Saturday in non test mode than the entire 6 years I have lived here. Beautiful Thunderstorm outside though.

A local casino and hotel along the river actually closed and emptied out today for the night. They are concerned that despite how much water the river was built for, the amount of rain since Saturday is going to bring some flooding up there. They want to err on the side of safety for guests and employees, just in case.

For dinner tonight, I took a chicken breast and pounded it flat. Season the inside, a nice liberal amount of cheese, a hot dog (or hot link in my case) Roll it up, and wrap it in bacon. Brush with BBQ sauce and bake at 375 for 60 minutes. Mmmmm Wife and kids had 4 cheese rice a roni with it. I put mine on a bed of white rice.

Funny, I used to hate and detest white rice. My father made it all the time. I had no clue how hard at one point he was struggling to make ends meet, and rice was extremely inexpensive. A common dinner was rice with ranch beans.

I cannot express enough how much I respect him for trying to make sure I had peace of mind and things I wanted while struggling. No Fear shirts and shorts, Bo Jackson Cross Trainer shoes, or Jordans, etc. All at the expense of himself and his needs.

I try so hard to emulate that to my kids and wife, always putting their needs first. If I can do it half as well as he did, I will be successful.


You’re a good man Mast; My Father had the same moral values, I just hope that this Invitro my wife and I are trying will be a success, I have no one to pass those morals down to, God willing I will, I may be an old man and look like his Grandpa but I will do my best just like my & your Father did.

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Be happy with the knowledge that every failed attempt to log into the stress test produces a log for Blizzard. They should have enough logs for a bonfire tonight.



And a tempertantrum on the forums. I seriously have to censor myself right now.

Dumbeldorf, I don’t know why, but I have always pictured you with the huge grey beard that your avatar has…haha Probably because your name so closely reminds me of a bearded wonder with an epic beard like that.

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