[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home



If you’re referring to a pet of your own, I’m very sad to hear it.

The loss of a pet is always sad, especially when there’re children in the home; we’ve lost many over the years and felt each one.

Assuming you’re referring to the internet video meme “star” I saw that he had passed, the celebrities remembered from my youth seem to be dropping like flies, Tim Conway and Doris Day just this past week.

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I think over my long hiatus my water elemental got lazy. I’ll send him after a mob and then next i know it comes right back to me kiteing the mob’s like okay, i have to keep this monster away from my mas… oh that reminds me i need to tell the master something !! At the same time i am going wait,what !? what’re you doing ? Don’t be bringing it back my way keep it over there away from me !!!


Noice dude. I know you really wanted it, so that makes me happy.

Tonight, the youngest gets his blue belt, a move that advances him from the beginner belts to the advanced belts. His brother got to present him with his yellow belt. The instructor thought it would be a great way to encourage him to continue. Youngest doesn’t know it yet, but the instructor is going to take an entire step back and let the eldest do “HIS” presentation entirely by himself. Just two brothers on the mat. There will be a big hug, including lifting him up and shaking him a little just for the embarassment, and the most sincere I am so proud of you I have I am sure I will have ever heard from big bro to little bro.

On the school front, kids last day is Wednesday. Youngest has a reading disability, well I am not so sure of that any more. When we went to the parent conference near Winter Vacation, the teacher told us she wanted him at a reading level of F, and that anything above that is just icing on the cake. Fast forward a few months and we finally got a new doctor that actually listened to us, and he got diagnosed with ADHD. Now, on the medication, he was just tested yesterday again. At that conference he was a reading level B, pretty much early 1st grade level. Yesterday he tested out at a K. Grade level for all kids is L. He missed one word on the L test, and didn’t fully understand what he had read, even though he had read it. Part of the L is comprehension, not just words. Man I am so so SOOOOO stoked at this news.


/embarrassed :blush:

Yeah a lot of stars keep dropping like flies, the older I get the more go. I also read that Doris Day requested in her will that she is to have , No Funeral, No Memorial and No Marker:

Why Doris Day Will Have ‘No Funeral, No Memorial and No Marker’: ‘She Didn’t Like Death’

Even when her pets would die she would not acknowledge their death according to the article in People.

WoW Classic is probably the least excited I’ve ever been for a WoW thing. I was there during classic for real, I don’t really remember it positively.

Admittedly, I would like to refresh my memory of how 1 to 60 zones were before. So maybe that’ll happen.

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When I first joined the game, my friend was on a PVP server. I didn’t even know what it meant at the time. Fast forward to STV…could barely do anything there without world pvp breaking out. Basically, you needed a max-level guildie to escort you around. Not to help with the quests, just the PVP.

While I don’t miss that so much, I do miss some of the first guilds that I was in and often wonder where those people are now :wink:

Edit: Oh, and for some silly reason I decided to level (by questing) with a Prot-Pally. Probably could have done it all in a fraction of the time as DPS.


We used to park mains near guildies while we leveled. Just for that reason. I would be in say STV with 3 others or whatever. 4 other guild members would be in say Stonetalon. Our mains were in Stonetalon. Their mains were in STV.

It got to where Alliance would see the guild tag and not bother. Not even 60s would bother us. They knew the hurt was a comin if they did.

Then we started selling leveling protection. Haha.

Yeah, my cat is Simi, AKA the Fuzzbutt.


Had to turn on the A/C as it was close to 90°F today.

Was a little productive, put up some door screens for my place and my dads. The past three days had me doing some serious running around, but tomorrow I can sleep in and maybe get some painting done.

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What language does Simi come from to be interpreted as Fuzzbutt? I looked for it in Chinese but it doesn’t translate as Simi, it must be from some other language, Just curious?

For instance I have many of my characters named by using Chinese Pinyin; One of my Characters is named WÝshi which in Chinese is 歌壍 which translates to warrior / samurai in English and yes he is a Warrior.

I also have a Priest, Demon Hunter among others named utilizing the Pinyin characters for Chinese words.

Our AC has been on and off for a couple of weeks now during the day and today it’s suppose to be the hottest days yet with a high of 92, Fortunately though parts of the house are shut off and only certain rooms are being kept cool. Only time we cool the whole house is when we have company coming (Which isn’t often with my Mother’s condition), Soon I will be using that new grill to cook outside saving even more on the electric bill.

Simi is its name. Fuzzbutt is more a description.

My cat’s name is Willow. Sometimes called Chicken because she’s more likely to run and hide than interact with people.


My cat is Her Royal Highness Princess Mew Mew.

Those in her inner circle calm her Kit Kat.

I picked the first name, the boys picked the second. I call her a princess cuz she thinks she has the right to be anywhere in the house. Usually my side of the bed somewhere or directly at my feet while I am at the computer.


Comic Con is in town. A lot of strange looking people wandering up and down Grand River Ave. It’s very amusing to see!

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Tornado sirens going off in my neighborhood.

Very not happy at work right now. Want to go home to be with wife and kids.


Eek! Be safe, Mast.


Sirens off. All is well now.


Neat, there is a neat thread in the Classic forums getting updates about which addon is getting ported to classic. All the authors have been chiming in. Got word they are porting Clique to Classic, which I was hoping for.