[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

I’ve had a recent traumatic event that’s caused me to return to night terrors. A few days ago, this manifested as eating HALF of all the muesli bars in the pantry.

You have my empathies. xoxoxo

aww youre a gem Aryalanthu, here have some of my futureland cake! (image of which doesn’t exist due to time dilation issues)


Well, I woke up this morning to an invite for the Classic beta! Boy is that a trip down memory lane. So far it feels just like the original. Why am I just standing here? Oh, yeah, hunter dead zone. Watching my skills level up one point at a time. Broke from training. Ah, memories.


And hunting down one of each of your weapon-types so you can level them all up to your current level so if you get an upgrade you can actually use it.


Got tickets to see Saga of Tanya the Evil Movie tonight. Binged watched the series a few nights ago to refresh.

Happy Birthday!

/throws confetti

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Happy birthday, but I’ll pass on the cake. (We’ve already had flan, birthday cake and chocolate cake in the office this week. I’m a little caked out.)

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I am so sad I missed wow 15th collectors, missed blizzard store, GameStop’s pre orders and now amazons :sob::sob::sob: it’s always coming out when I’m at work. Hoping I can snag one before it comes out
;( I’m gonna keep a sharp eye out for Best Buy and target.

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Looking for a little advice. I’ve literally (the real meaning, not 'I literally died yesterday!) have never been to a Starbucks.

Well, once, but I didn’t order anything.

Tomorrow I’m supposed to meet a colleague there for coffee to chat about the kid’s school’s safe routes program.

What should I get? Note that I’m not a fancy coffee guy. More like a 2 cream and 2 sugar person…we call it a “double-double” here.

Any suggestions?

When I want a hot espresso based drink, I usually just go for a triple (x3 shots of espresso) grande soy latte.

When I want a tea based drink, I prefer the London Fog Latte (made with Earl Grey tea).

I do not care for their plain coffees. Always too bitter tasting for me.

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Get coffee. Just tell them you want a regular coffee, ask them to leave room for cream and sugar.

Or my personal favorites…and I rarely go…Caramel Frapuchino, or a Strawberries and Cream Mmmmmmm


Moo is toilet training. Send help. And towels.


We were soooooo lucky that our daughter’s daycare really did all the training for us! We just had to keep it up at home. The kids were so excited to be learning, that they started a line up of potties that they referred to as “the potty train”!

It’s such a huge step for kids, but such a rewarding step for parents too! Good luck little Miss Moo!


Eldest daycare almost got sued by me over the way the teacher was “toilet training” him. Making him sit on the toilet for 40 minutes at a time while the other kids were outside playing etc, because he would not go.

Wife took a trip to Tulsa to see her grandmother and grandfather before Christmas, came home and he was toilet trained. My mom helped a lot with the beginning of it. She could recognize when he had to go really REALLY well, like as soon as he had to go. She made such a huge pomp and circumstance of him going in the toilet, you would think it was a party when he was done.

What’s the earliest that I could order one of these and not get weird looks from others?

As for the potty training, luckily the environment our daughter was in was a very positive and encouraging one! When one kid would use the potty, there was a huge class celebration :slight_smile: We’re talking like 7-8 kids, but it was enough to get everyone else interested in ‘going’ when the time was right.


Strangely enough, the earliest you can get one is when they open. It is one of their more popular blended drinks.

Taking it up a notch, they had it here a few years ago, was the Caramel Frappuccino Crunch. It had crunchy bits of caramel sprinkled on top. It was like a treasure when you found one.


Uh oh. Time to take a trip down memory lane folks, wipe in the starting area. Oh it is ON.

This might actually get me hyped for Classic, and give me interest in playing it.

Hehe, I’ve been there a few times myself on my baby mage. Frostbolt and firebolt only hardly cut it. One thing I find myself constantly doing is wanting to ride one of my mounts to run turn in quests. Oh, memories are flowing now…

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Nothing for me. Oh well. Next time, maybe?

There are going to be waves of releases, hopefully you get one kittin.

I looked before I took my son to work and it was not there. I looked when i sat down to pay tonight and it was there.

Stupid question, but i did not know until Perl posted it…You opted into the Classic Beta right? It is not the same, and i did not realize it.