[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

Woo. Punched Jaina in the nose.

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That’s enough of the Classic forums…time to detox.

Going to Lockhart tomorrow for some GOOD Barbecue. Picking up a few lbs of Sausage and Brisket for “reasons”


Portals away while his mum isn’t looking
I’ll look for Eeyore today.

Spent 3 hours wiping to mythic Mechatorque last night. Man that fight is fun haha.

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Morning everyone!

Just a reminder that if you’re interested in being in the Classic beta, double check your Beta Profile settings to make sure you’ve got a :white_check_mark: in the Classic Beta box too.


OH thank you. Didn’t realize i had to opt in to Classic as well. Will check that right now.

In between frustrating BGs that is. I have noticed it goes one of two ways, very rarely a third. Usually get a string of games where we win relatively easily. Then it changes and we get rolled.

It makes me wonder if there is a RBG or Arena algorithm running in the background that keeps a hidden “rating” so to speak. Dunno.

Edit: Thanks again Perl. I had assumed I was already opted in, so never looked. I really appreciate the heads up. Hopefully I did it early enough to get considered for the very first wave and get a luck of the draw



:rofl: oh twitter you delivered this time :rofl:


Bought 50 Links of Smoked Sausage, and 10 Links of Jalapeno & Cheese Smoked Sausage. me and Dad ate a pound of brisket while we was there in Lockhart. Only an Hour drive from where I live.

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Love the cinematic.

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Space Mountain sounds like it’s working. Let’s see this time…

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Have fun! :space_invader:


I did!
A bunch of the projections weren’t working but that’s expected. Given that’s what happened last time.

They have adult and baby toitles in the water at Big Thunder Trail.


Gonna stay off the classic forums for a bit…bit troll-y in there.

I got the meat sweats…too much BBQ brisket. Had it for launch and just had it for dinner.

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Ugh. Couldn’t sleep last night, only managing an intermittent doze. Apparently crashed hard around noon, and woke up 45 minutes ago. So, I at least eventually got my eight hours, but the day is shot.


I’m in a similar situation. Broken sleep. 6 here and there. Going to be tough on the drive back home. I’m stuck downing coffee until the off-work traffic clears a bit.

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I don’t see any regrets in your post though. :laughing:


Drinks several [Long Forgotten Rum] for Bob Hawke, former Australian Prime Minister. May his family be comforted by this nation’s love for him at when he uttered these immortal words in 1983:

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Today is my birthday! Who wants cake?

My birthday wishes include doing something nice for some one -holding open a door, giving a compliment, saying thank you when you don’t really have to- and for you all to be happy and to take care of yourselves. You deserve it. ~blows out candles~

Have a great day!