[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

No I don’t. To continue band I would have had to not play football. That was not an option.

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just resubbed, hoping to get into the Classic Beta. Woot! 27th of August!


I am very excited for Classic. I can hardly wait to remake my original character, a warlock, and exploring every place I can. Just like I did when i first started. I’ll probably run farther than I should and die to mobs too high for me just for the nostalgia.


Well, I’m looking forward to eventually playing WOW Classic, but right now that’s looking further and further away. Not going to rant here. Just very disappointed.

It would be funny if I got in on the Classic Beta. I did it once already.:grin:

Did you play college or Pro football? I had a friend that married a northern woman from Green Bay, Wisconsin; Biggest Wedding that I’ve ever been a part of, There were 13 Bridesmaids and 13 of us Groomsmen in their wedding; They rented a Winnebago for all of us to travel in.
What surprised me was the rehearsal dinner, For that her Father had slaughtered a cow and cooked the ribeye’s, 2nd best meat I’ve ever tasted next to “The Capitol Grill” who cook aged beef. But the real kicker was when their next door neighbor came over for the dinner, It was Tony Mandarich, He was drafted in the first round of picks & 2nd overall in 1989, Offensive tackle for the Green Bay Packers; Man he was one BIG man. However he had been doing steroids during his college days and when he went pro he stopped the steroid use but somehow it messed up his blood; I will never forget reading the front page of Sports Illustrated about him, He was called NFL’s incredible bust, Still though I will never forget how HUGE he was, I’m 6’ and standing beside him I looked like a scrawny little man…LOL :rofl:

Haha nice.

I had a full ride athletic scholarship to play football. However I had hurt my back a few years earlier at wrestling practice. I did not know the extent of it until my offer was medically pulled.

They told me I was not going to like what they had to say but I would thank them 20 years later when I could still walk.

When I hurt my back(a215 pound person fell knee first directly on my lefthip/lower lumbar!) it hurt. I was laid up for a couple of days.

What I did not know, however is that it shifted my hip forward. My left hip if further forward than my right. Your sciatic nerve (largest nerve mass in the body as I understand it) runs right where my hip is shifted. So there is constant pressure on it. I can tell you when weather is about to shift based on how my back, all the way down to my foot, feels. When there will be a swing of about 35 40 degrees overnight I can barely walk.

Add in beat up hips and the fact that today I cannot cross my left leg over my knee, or barely put sock on my left foot if I am being honest, and it was the right call. Didn’t stop a major depression though. Stopped working out started eating all that good delicious garbage became very non mobile in my funk, and lost most of my muscle mass.

You would not recognize a pick of me then VS now fo sho

But I would not trade a thing today. A different path then means I never met my wife, never had these wonderful children etc. I would literally be a different person.


Busy news day but that statue is going to go on a shelf for sure :smiley:

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I saw that…wondering what the price will be of that set.

The 15th Anniversary Collector’s Edition? It’s available to pre-order for $99.99 USD: https://gear.blizzard.com/us/world-of-warcraft-15th-anniversary-collector-s-edition

ooohh, not bad!

Yeah I want to find a way to convince my wife I should have this. Probably fail but I need to fight the good fight.

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Got the Blizzcon statues, got the 15th anniversary thing, opted into Classic Beta. Hopefully I’ll get in one of those tests.

Ooohhhh, I can’t wait!


Man I want one of those statues


LOL; You know the rules of marriage well Mast; Choose your fights carefully.

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Same. I wonder how much I remember of the pre-Cata quests.

I want this.


I have no interest in Classic. But I hope I get a Beta invite. I woukd forgo retail most of the time to test.

Nope! I’m done with the game.

Wow! This new internet is making a difference alright. I’m downloading a new game on Steam right now and it’s going at ~33 MBs. Big jump from going 400 KBs tops.


Ya’ll still need more Gnome in your diet. pokes the Centaur Especially you, skinny!

It looks like the funeral and such for my cousin will still be weeks away. Screw it! I’m going on Space Mtn tomorrow.