[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

SPOILERS! gee thanks




My condolences on your loss.




/hug for people who need it

/chocolate for people who need it

/coffees the Panda-lady one last time

/noms Vrak, Glaxi, and Kal one last time

/snuggle for people who need it

If you want to keep in touch and don’t do the Facebook thing, I have a Tweeter and a Discord, both of which are JacieBlade, and the Discord has 0812. (Because I use it about as much as I use the power tools. Which is to say not a whole lot, so I’m not really sure how it works.)

As for the coffee the Panda-lady didn’t get? That’s all mine.

/picks gnomes out of coffee

/steals coffee


/BBQs Mer


So so sorry to hear Merdrah


So sorry for the loss of your cousin Merdrah; Prayers for you and your family.



I’m so sorry. Sending love and hugs.


Well my wife got another job offer today and won’t have to work Sundays because they are closed.
I don’t think the manager where she is working now did anything about the discrimination remark that was said to her by another coworker because the assistant manager denies hearing it when she my wife and the person that said it were the only ones there.
I’m happy that she got this other job especially after all the reviews that I have read about the company she works for now; It just blows my mind how many labor laws they are breaking; They don’t even give their employees a break when working 5 to 6 hours a day, By law here in N.C. they are suppose to give a 10 - 15 minute paid break but they don’t.
I’m glad she got this other job; I advised her to give a 2 week notice just so she can use them for a reference in the future.


My cousin was on end of life care for about a year. So there’s bound to be some relief in the loss.
The conclusion allows people to rest after so much time. Saw this a LOT working at a hospital.


I’m so sorry, Merdrah. All my best to you and your family.


Make sure to call the labor board and start an investigation. If I recall correctly… It has been a long time since I had to worry about this kind of stuff… It is a federal law. They could get into a lot of trouble. And should.


I didn’t want to start a new thread. How do I self report a name? I will be honest, don’t think it is a violation. But just to be safe.

And if I could save the name change fee I will pay otherwise anyway…well then so be it haha.


Just put in the description that you are self-reporting your name.


Awesome I was Google searching for that just now. Appreciate it.


You’re welcome.


And the report is in. We shall see what happens.

My oldest told me today he wants to spend his paycheck money he has been saving on another Nintendo Switch. This way, he can have one in his room. Or a bass guitar.

Only because of his brother, I don’t know how I feel about the switch. Mom did not even want him to have a TV for a long time. I can already hear cries and screams of it is not fair.

And I know the bass will not fly. She gets annoyed by random sounds…there is no way on earth she will allow an amplified bass guitar while she is home.

She has surprised me in the past, but I feel almost 100% certain on this one. She does not even like the mechanical keyboard she bought me for my birthday. T oo noisy when she is in the room haha. B T dubs…I love it. It is a little small for my mega paws, would like a bigger keyboard, but I am not complaining. It is a basic mechanical keyboard from Amazon. But the keys have a lot more play than my old G15 that was barely holding on by a thread. What a purchase off of ebay for $50. Certainly got my moneys worth. Bought it during wrath. Replaced it in December.


I’m going to call the NLRB and the DOL to see what steps need to be taken; I remember once a long time ago a company that I was working for was paying us a salary and not paying for the overtime they required for us to work 45 hours (Anything over 40 hours should be 1 & 1/2 times) We found out then that it takes 2 people to file a complaint.
Me and one other coworker filed the complaint and the investigation started; The company was found to be breaking the law and had to pay all of us for years of them not paying us for our overtime. You see in order to be classified salary you have to either A: Have at least 2 people working under you or B: Make management decisions, Which none of us did either of the 2 so the company was found at fault.


Cool, So you play the Keyboard, I play the Saxophone and Clarinet and my wife plays Acoustic Guitar; Now we just need to come up with a cool band name…LOL :rofl:

All jokes aside though I used to be able to read music but haven’t read since the 9th grade; Not sure if I can still even read now that it has been so long ago; That’s when we went to the state championship and came in second place for our division; Good times, Great memories.

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Used to play the Baritone. Was telling my son this story earlier today.

My music teacher got us in second grade. In 7/8 grade we would go to a national competition. Taking on High School bands. 12th grade bands. And we would absolutely destroy them.

If you won your category you got to come back for an encore show that night. The play order was the order you placed out of all categories. We always closed the show. Every year.

Judges were allowed to ask questions after your initial performance for them. Their question to us. Why did you not have any sheet music?

Our answer? We memorized it. Our conductor would randomly go around and cover our music in sections, then bars, then pages. We were working on songs that were graded on a scale of 5. Our intro was a 4.8 and our other two were 5s.

He would start us on it in 3rd grade. Just learn the notes, play them in order. Then as we progressed we would work on volume of notes in specific spots. Then pacing etc. It became second nature to all of us.

That said, show me sheet music today and I will show you some funny symbols that mean nothing to me.

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That’s so cool Mast; Do you ever wonder what it would have been like to go on with it and make it into a big name band playing music on stage for really big bucks? I know I do, If only I could go back in time and do things differently ya know.