[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

About to teach my father how to play console games, Halo time it is.

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I wish my Father was still alive; He always would buy the latest and greatest stuff for us to play together; Before he had his stroke he had the latest Windows 95 and had bought Tiger Woods PGA Tour 1995, We would play for hours on end; If he were alive today I can see us playing some kind of online game together.

Cherish these moments that you have with your Father Orioñ.


I do, I promise you that.


My friends cried every time they saw him get dusted in Infinity War. I kept laughing at them.
“It’s just Goodie-Two-Shoe Peter Parker! He still has to die in Mary Jane’s arms.”


That bloke has a set of lungs on him, for sure.

This performance is the one that breaks me up every time, though. Gerry sings it with such passion and love and hope at the 20th anniversary memorial of Hillborough. The 96 balloons being released signify those who lost their lives that day.

edit: what a pearler of a vid to discover I have enough Trust to post YT links


Happy Mother’s Day to all who qualify!
No time to call mom or grandma today. Working early tonight. Going to have to do it on Monday.


Good morning folks! Hope everyone has been having a fine weekend. It’s been a bit rainy here, but that just meant staying in and playing video games :slight_smile:


It’s a beautiful Mother’s Day here in Detroit. The temp is 49 and it has been drizzling all day. We won’t even hit 50 tomorrow. Whee Spring! It has been raining almost not stop for weeks. I need to buy a goat to eat the lawn. Anyone got one for sale?:goat:

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Happy Mothers day to all mothers out there today. Especially those that made a conscious choice to love somebody else’s child. Looking at you, step mothers.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.


It’s been rainy here too but not quite as cool as it is up there it’s the low 70’s here however our low’s for the next couple of days call for it to be 48 one night then low 50’s for the next couple of nights which is cool for us here in North Carolina; I’d like to put a bid in for a couple of goats myself or better yet maybe a couple of Black Angus cows or maybe I can talk to a farmer not far from here that raises Buffalo then I could harvest them come fall and have some good meat for the winter. :cow2::water_buffalo::goat:

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19celsius 66 fieriehiet took my mom to brunch gona go see endgame round at 3 gota love flying solo dont have to worry about multiple seats.


It has been below normal by a lot this spring. Maybe a heard of sheep would work. Cows sound nice but I think the city would think otherwise. I do love steak!:cut_of_meat:
My sister pointed out that we have had the furnace on now for 8 months. Oh, to open a window!

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I think I can officially add “trapper” to my resume. I’ve been trying to catch a little guy living under my deck and finally got lucky with my trap the other night!

He got to go for a nice car ride out to the country near a beautiful wooded area to find a new home :slight_smile:


He’s not so little and can do tons of damage with the digging. Nice catch!:baseball:


Nice and warm today, eh? Means summer is just around the corner!

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No kidding! He had built a few groundhog-condos in our backyard, under our front step, under the neighbor’s shed…probably under our shed too.

Sorta miss looking out and seeing him peaking back at me though :wink:


I hope you very appropriate folk are having a lovely mother’s day. <3


He’s so cute though!


Right! My daughter called him “the giant hamster”!!!



So I, the ok some Naproxin(aleve is brand name) this morning. Footnis feeling better. Still hurts but I am walking normal.

So I know it is an inflammation thing. Now just a question of does it get worse or go back to normal.