[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

I am hurting today. The weather has taken a change for the cold again and it is killing my lower back, especially around my sciatic nerve. I can feel it throbbing as I sit in my car (seat has lumbar support takes the edge off the pain). I am going to have a very hard time surviving two days of work like this.

In other news how is the new washer dryer Perl?

House next to us sold. The people started moving in yesterday. There is a small strip on the street between our driveway and theirs. They parked a car partially blocking our driveway yesterday. I am going to chock it up to a driveway filled with delivery trucks and install trucks. But if it happens again, my wife will probably say something.

Other than that, happy Saturday all.

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They’re awesome!! I’ve used the little pedistal washer a few times this week for doing really small loads like my kid’s muddy splash pants etc.

Plus they play a cute song when the load is done!


Do you have a Whirlpool Duet by chance?

That is what I have. Both washer and dryer haha.

I’ve got an LG washer and separate dryer, but the pedistal for the washer is actually a second washing machine. It’s just a little one, but it can do a second load of laundry at the same time as the large washer.

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Ahhh it was the song that made me ask hehe. Mine plays a tone when I turn it on, and a different one when the load is done.

They both have steam options as well, so I can steam dry delicate if I want. Or knock wrinkles out real fast.

Yeah, good idea, just finished setting up 2 step for my Amazon account now.


Me too! I didn’t even know they offered it and I’ve had an account with them forever!

Thanks for the heads-up Kyzera!



I’m reminded of this place every time I see this comic.


Looks like July is gonna be a busy month for me, along with my Birthday, Dad informed me he wants to do some fishing in the Gulf and is planning to charter a boat. Need to have my freezer cleared before that for all the fish I’m gonna catch, and my neighborhood cats will be extremely happy.

You’re welcome. :smile:

:+1: It definitely saved me some grief last night.


Well. Somehow survived the day. Decided today that my foot pain is either planter fasiatis or low arches that have finally had enough.

Might try some arch supports and see what happens.

Do you wear the inserts that came with the shoes or 3rd party?

Regular inserts in the shoes. Just a memory foam sole.

After a lot of discussion with a nurse at work, and some reading I have ruled out bone spurs. The pain eases as I walk more, but still hurts to walk properly. I will walk flat footed a lot on my right foot because of this.

That is why I figure arches or fasiatis.

Edit. Also as I drive home and sit I am cramping in the front of the heel.

I’m feeling pretty down and sad these days. Little desire to do anything. I hope some sunny days will help pull me out of my dark fog.


Lots of hugs. Hope you feel better soon.


I get that way plenty of times. Since with the new meds, not as often anymore. With me, it helps to try to stay busy.


I’ve had them plenty of times, too, but there is just so much going on and waiting for news on myself or some of my family members. I’m surprised I haven’t been having panic attacks. The nightmares have already started.

I have the unfortunate habit of withdrawing and becoming a hermit and I am trying to avoid that. It’s one of the reasons I started posting here. To be somewhat social occasionally.

Well, finally saw Endgame today. Something about the pacing just seemed off - it took a long time to settle in and quit rolling my eyes at stuff. Ah well, I’m okay with how it ended … though I still wish I could erase one particular individual from the entire MCU because every moment they take up on screen just annoys me.

That’s a good thing. As an introvert and loner myself, keeping some social connection online can be less stressful and use less of the mental energy I need elsewhere, while still having the benefit of social interaction.

[quote=“Eilethalua-sentinels, post:411, topic:164205, full:true”] though I still wish I could erase one particular individual from the entire MCU because every moment they take up on screen just annoys me.
Captain Skippy and his frisbee?

I’m Team Cap all the way, and love where this went with him.

No, for me it’s the whiny teenage web-slinger. Give me back the 1960s style Peter, who was mature for his age, caring for his aunt, holding down a job, intelligent and capable, and I wouldn’t mind, but this one has grated since the first solo movie and I refuse to watch anything else with him if I can avoid it. Which, in this case I couldn’t.