[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

Well, hmm. Now starting to wish I hadn’t spent all that Balance on game time for this account. I still need the pets from RaF and with it going on hiatus next month, I’m worried they might be removed. Hopefully Blizzard can let us know if the current rewards will be removed or not.

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Most likely the current rewards will remain while those players who still send invites out cycle through to chose their rewards, as you can still send out invites until June 11.

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From CM Nethaera, in the comments of the news post:

We don’t have a timeframe to share with you just yet, nor do we have information we’re ready to share on the changes and updated rewards just yet either. Sorry. We’ll do our best to get you that information when we can.

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Oh how I remember how rebellious I was at 15; My father said I still wasn’t too old to get spanked, Actually he used a belt, Mom would always make me go get a switch; In my younger years I would get small switches but I found out quickly the smaller ones hurt worse so then I would get bigger ones and she wouldn’t hit me as hard, Haha!

But to be honest restriction hurt me the worst at the age of 15 however I would bug my Mom until she couldn’t take it anymore and she would lift my restriction and when my Father found out she lifted it he would get mad at her; Teenagers do this to their parents sometimes on purpose, At least I did at that age, Now I regret what I did then.

I wish that I had children but I guess it wasn’t in the cards for me; Anyway I hear that what we do to our parents comes back to us 10 times and if that’s so I would be in a world of trouble if I had children, LOL.

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Well I just read online that North Carolina now has been found to have the oldest tree on the east coast at 2600 years old a Bald Cypress; This was very close to where I once lived; Check it out in the below link:


North Carolina also has one of the oldest rivers(Neuse) in the country at 2 million years old and the Uwharrie Mountains are the oldest in North America and have been worn down over an estimated 500 million years.



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The phrase “spare the rod and spoil the child” actually doesn’t exist anywhere in the Bible.

Not arguing the point, just being pedantic about a misquote I see a lot.

Using the language of King James (king of Scotland as James VI and England as James I. First English Stuart following Elizabeth I last English Tudor; Bible translation done about 1611AD) the closest verse would be:

Old Testament - Proverbs 13:24: "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."

Depending on what translation you like newer translations word it differently (nobody still uses English as it was in 1611 unless they are performing a Shakespeare play) but no translation actually, literally says “spare the rod and spoil the child”.


You are correct, When I referred it as the good book I was just putting it into the language that my parents did, Just as before King James hired all the translators I’m sure the wording was different in all the original scrolls but the meaning while translated was the same or close to in those days.

I actually should have referred to it as the old saying: “spare the rod and spoil the child”

One thing I don’t want is to be one that breaks Revelation Chapter 22 verse 19: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


Makes a pot of carrot jalepeno soup extra jalepeno for thunder.


Sigh … that feeling when you are just sitting here and get a random text message. Only to realize it is a security code request sent from Amazon. Someone was trying to get into my account. Thank goodness I had the 2-factor authentication system on it. Password has been changed nonetheless.


Oh, how I miss the forum ignore feature, and my longing for its return only grows stronger with each passing day.


Thank goodness for the text alert Kyzera, Glad you were alerted.

Last text message I got like that was where someone had cloned my American Express Card ( Chip Card ) and charged $100.00 at a Speedway gas station in Tennessee while I was in my recliner here in North Carolina; I called them and immediately they took it off.

( I think I had already shared this but maybe some didn’t get to read it )


Me too!

/13 Characters


Attempts to casts avada kedavra only to rember 2 things im a druid not a wizzard and 2 this is harry potter a horwarts mystery.

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What a week. Managed to take in the new Avengers movie tonight and it was awesome!

Daughter (5yo) has been getting up the past 2 nights for hours on end, so here’s hoping tonight breaks that cycle! It’s a little after 2am here, so I’m hoping for a good night…because daddy is super tired :wink:

/puts out a plate of timbits
/eats all the chocolate ones


I think the Russo Bros pulled the spoiler restriction on Endgame.
I heard that it was pulled.

Spoilers was lifted on monday

TIL Esport using cheat programs are a thing.

It’s like it’s your lively hood and boom banned for 4-5 years if caught. Now what are you going to say on your next job interview ? “I was an esports player but i cheated and got banned”


I guess that’s not really that ridiculous when you compare it to how some people get sacked from their ‘brick and mortar’ jobs. Still just as stupid, though. Risking everything!

Finally picked up the new car yesterday and got home today… I am beyond exhausted. I don’t even have the brain capacity to write a scathing review on all possible platforms about the service received from the car yard. I am a puddle of Llammy.


happy leeroy jenkins anniversary day!


Real or not, it’s still one of the first WoW videos that I can remember laughing about, a lot, when I first got into the game :slight_smile: