[CS LOUNGE] Country roads, take me home

Fun fact traditional mayonaise is made with anchovies.

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All. My. Hate.

Jerkface. :heart:


Another Fun Fact is that the base for Worcestershire sauce is fermented anchovies.

I’ve often wondered how this all started, You know it could have been a bet or a dare for someone to taste these rotten anchovies and found out that is was quite savory.
I can’t imagine someone deliberately drinking it when it was first created back in the days of the Roman Empire ya know?

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There are several delicacies from various cuisines that I imagine were on their way to the compost pile when someone said ‘I dare you to eat this.’


I think one of the tastiest pizzas I ever had was a Pineapple Shrimp pizza.

Thanks Alvie! Massive hugs to you too xo


That is my most favorite song from any musical.


You, sir, need tj see Spamalot. Then reevaluate that statement.

BTW, just my gratuitous reminder I am goi g to see Hamilton in August. That is all

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So my father had a very ‘strained’ relationship with my sister shall we say.

Her mom liked to tell lots of lies about him. She tried to sneak a raise in child support by hiding the court date. When he showed up she was furious. My father objected to this kind of behavior while at the same time telling the judge raise it tj whatever. She is my daughter. In return the hedge didn’t raise it a penny, due to the others actions. Which would lead to more lies. Hope that was easy enough to follow.

When my sis got preggers with my first nephew he took 3 months of vacation to be with her. Month 8, 9 and first month of life. My sis said all he did was play golf. Until I really talked to her about it. Then she understood what him taking 3 months of vacation at once meant.

I was talking to him one day and told him he should get Facebook. He could get pics of the kiddo, only one at the time. I do t need no fancy phone, and I sat behind a monitor for blah blah years. No thanks.

2 days later he called me and told me to add him. He got a letter from my sis reaching out. She wanted to talk and to add her on Facebook. He frooped what he was dou g and ran to the store to get a smartphone and sign up. He knew he had unfettered access to his grandkid. He didn’t need it from me. But he then had a lifeline to his baby to talk, rebuild, etc. And his 3 other grandkids.

As an aside, she called me and said she wasn’t sure if it meant anything or same Ole thing. Until I explained to her what he did, I put those 2 stories in context for her. And then she promptly called her mom and yelled at her for lying all those years to her. Haha.


It started from a failed experiment. I forget the story exactly, but Lee n Perrin wee trying to make a tonic or something. Forget exactly what. Been many many years since I took microbiology and our professor told the story. They forgot about it and opened the bottle something like 2 years later.

It has completely changed and was the first bottle of worshistire sauce ever made.

It’s as much to do with the lyrics as it is with the music of that song. (it’s ma’am btw)

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/cuphead announcer
A great time and then some
Here goes!

It’s a great day for a Dole Whip! I’ll be thinking of you 3.


Muh bad ma’am. :smile:

To those that remember…

Today is VE day. In 1945, Germany officially surrendered, thus ending the war in Europe. If you see a vet, give them a hug.


You both need to see Carousel. There’s a song in it that can’t be beat.

It was sung to Mandela
Queen used it as the inspiration for We Are The Champions
Streisand sang it at the 2001 Emmy’s for 9/11
Garland, Presley, Cash have covered it. Even Pink Floyd used it.
Dropkick Murphy’s covered it two years ago as a memorial to friends they’ve lost to the opiate problems in the US.
And it is the ‘theme’ song for Liverpool Football Club, and took on a far deeper meaning after the Hillsborough Disaster.

Send In The Clowns is a great song that was in a musical… But …

When you walk through a storm,
hold your head up high
and don't be afraid of the dark.

At the end of a storm,
there's a golden sky
and the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind,
walk on through the rain,
though your dreams be tossed and blown -
walk on,
walk on,
with hope in your heart.

And you'll never walk alone.
You'll never walk alone.

(the above rendition for anyone in CSF having struggles at the moment. I’m thinking of you and holding your hand while you walk through it xoxo)


Time is relative. Think of how long a few moments feels like when you are having some painful awful procedure done to you, as opposed to doing something you enjoy.:thinking:

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That is a classic, and you should hear Colm Wilkinson perform it…

I WILL see that before I die.

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You are absolutely correct that was when the recipe for Worcestershire sauce that we use today was created.

But did you know that it wasn’t the first sauce used from fermented fish? The first sauce was called Garum and was made from fermented fish guts and was first used by the Greeks in the poorer populations to flavor food.

Then around the 5th century AD it was made from the innards of fish particularly Anchovies.
Check out the below link that talks about this savory sauce, It’s contents and various names and also the different qualities which some of the milder versions were very expensive in those days and also were used by the Romans and in some of their recipes in the Roman cookbook named Apicius.


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The drive was 2.5 hours.
Got in DCA at rope drop and watched the crowd rush to Radiator Springs.
Single rider line ftw!