[CS Lounge] Centaurian Autumnal Celebration

I have 7 guild banks on this server connection. I have another 7 guild banks scattered amongst other servers. Not all are stuffed to the gills of course. But the battle pet & transmog ones are pretty full. So is the one holding almost 40k pieces of cloth. This guild bank is stuffed with almost no free spaces — but it holds all my most used supplies & gear.

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Another lap around the sun and i come in to work off two days off to ABSOLUTE chaos.

Not a happy dude. And my son is traini g at his job today, despite being hours he said he could not work.

Soooo whwn done cooking breakfast gotta run home amd get the other one.


bit cold out today. don’t think i’ll be venturing out, as i may put errands off till tomorrow. hoping it stays nice like this for a while yet…wouldn’t mind more snow though. :stuck_out_tongue:

hope you enjoy your 24 hours of immunity boss.


so i was just browsing and i see a post about harassment and well i just think about the time i was harassed and tried to get some help and was further antagonized and immediately shut down so i just went along my merry way.

then some time later i seen my harasser trolling these very forums opening up quite a few threads and again just quietly sit back watching it not getting involved and really this kinda stuff happens all the time and to claim it’s ever taken seriously is not true 99% of the time
just my experience

Happy Ding Day, Mast!

I got talking to my severely overloaded boss this morning, asking about an email I’d sent before Thanksgiving to see if she maybe missed it or something. Her answer was stress-inducing (at least for me) : “Probably - I have 6k unread emails.” She’s still online a couple hours later, so I hope she’s working on cleaning that up. I have issues when there are read messages in my inbox.


I have a couple stacks of friendship bracelets on a number of characters. A few characters have the old brewfest or DMF tickets (don’t remember which kind). Thankfully no bijous. I used them all getting exalted on my main.

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I’m hungry for something. I have Pecan Pie, Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie in my fridge, but don’t want something sweet. Might make some Asian quesadillas from the left over Stir Fry Teriyaki Chicken from last night

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Agreed! This one has been up for close to 3 months now. Thought these got locked automatically after 30 days or so. Not that it matters. :slight_smile:

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No. It was decided to randomly close them. On the whim of one of the flies I think. It could close immediately after my post. Or it could close next week.


I thot vrak had control of it guess well find out lol.

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Wait arent MVP blizzard employees or somethign cant u just wave a magic wand or push the big wait nvm we dont want to do that now dont we.

WOW! And I thought I had a lot of stuff, I bow to you gracious leader of the Hoarders.

P.S. How is your Son-In-Law doing with his leg?


He came home today. Recovery is going to be slow of course.


Good to hear.


I need to calm down. I’m really jumpy and anxious. My eye surgery is on the 21st and I’m super frustrated that I cannot see anything clearly. Been fighting eye strain headache. AND I am home bound due to the docs telling my to stay off the roads til the surgery is done.


I was thinking about that. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe next week some time.


Car needs more work done. :man_facepalming:
Blower motor has finally given up the ghost. I think the bearings are on the verge of failing completely. It was making more noise than usual a couple days ago, but was still pushing out hot air. Early Thursday evening, it stopped working until I performed an unscheduled 30mph curb-check (keep your eyes on the road, kids), which got it working for another couple hours. As of now, it works sporadically, and only I administer percussive maintenance with a lug wrench.

Fortunately, it’s a cheap and easy fix. New motor is <$40 and will be delivered some time today, and it only takes a couple minutes to swap out (still taking the whole day off Monday, my first since Thanksgiving).


:eyes: Stop posting on your day off!

Good morning everyone who ISN’T a centaur