[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

Me too. Late 50s. I thought a couple of people here were older than I am, though.


We did a stargazing event back in the fall, where they had a handful of telescopes and a Seestar. I really wish I had one for the solar eclipse back in the summer. That would have been something.

And the small town I live in is pretty dark, so I’ve got that going for me, too. And I can travel just a little way off and find even darker skies.

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Hallowfall and dorn left for glyph pain in the butt.

*Eats the 5*

You’re now zero. Go be a kid again!


Adds 2 00 so its 500 since there a elf and elves live for hundreds of years.

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Managed to get the dishes done and a load of laundry. Go me. Did not get the other chores done and did take a nap. If I want the raised garden bed table thing on wheels done I need to get back to applying tung oil to help resist water. Then I can put it together.

Day was not a total loss I guess.


I’ll be 55 in July. It feels weird to read that.

The vast majority of my coworkers are younger than my kids, and I tend to match their energy. Other than a stiff back, I don’t feel this old. I certainly don’t act my age. :laughing:

I may not be the oldest here, but I definitely qualify for a seat on the Council of Elders.


Figures… I sit down to finish the Kalimdor Cup before finally heading to Undermine, and my GrubHub shows up. Hot & Sour soup is not ideal gaming food.



Your day was definitely better than mine. My brother cost me the only real closure I could have had and I get the runs. I must be paying karma off at a vastly accelerated rate…

Mirasol’s not older than some of you, but she’s the most well aged forum pickle. Spicy too.

:cucumber: :hot_pepper: :cucumber:


IIRC Mastadon, for those that remember him, was in his 60’s.


Icabt rwplace hum but i on try.


I’m not even going to lie. I bust out laughing and nearly choked on my mac and cheese.

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Fun fact: I actually have trouble eating chicken noodle soup. Is it the chicken? Nope. The broth? Nope. It’s the noodles. I’m not allergic to anything in them, it’s that they’re long and tend to somehow get stuck when I try to swallow them from time to time. It’s the reason I really wish Campbells made just plain chicken soup w/o the noodles. Sure I could strain the noodles out, but then all I get is broth and no chicken since the meat bits get stuck in the sieve with the noodles. My esophagus just seems to randomly narrow for no apparent reason. Docs can’t see an issue no matter what they look for.


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I’ve been the fool who can random choke on her own saliva every so often, so absolutely no judgement here. I’d wonder how the just straight chicken broth would be in comparison? But that wouldn’t solve the no chicken issue any more then straining might do.

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I sadly do that too. Not so much choke as it just decides to get inhaled down the wrong tube.

Nasty, to put it mildly. Chicken noodle soup has the chicken in it which adds some flavor to the broth. The straight up broth by itself is gross. I can tolerate beef broth, but only if I’m in the hospital and that’s all they give me due to being on a liquid diet.

On the chicken noodle thing, even chicken & stars can make me choke. It’s the pasta that gets stuck. Spaghetti does it to me too, especially angel hair pasta due to how thin it is. My body just like to break all over itself.

Sorry Tia :frowning:

That sounds awful on many levels, I can’t fathom someone hurting others in such a way … and out of complete apathy?

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Sorry, Snipping Tool didn’t want to work, so get to view everything I am doing at the same time…

But I think Blizzard Support decided to say, nope, not going to work for you.

Tww glyph hunting done found out there a hidden achievement in the hall of chieftains in high mountain drum circle gota dance in the middle for a few min.

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If you’re referring to my brother, he’s always been this way. A bit over thirty years ago he stole a ring a treasured friend gave to her sister and it hurt her sister so much that it enraged her to the point that she turned on me and made me pay for what he took. Not in money or working it off to get another ring, but by rescinding her friendship. Problem is, I needed her and still do. And to add insult to injury, the career path she chose may well have saved my mom’s life (she’s a nurse). She’d have been worth more than my brother and I put together twice over.

He only cares about what he can take from others and if they dare to challenge that he does his best to intimidate them into submission. Problem is, intimidation only works on someone that still has something to lose. Thanks to him and with my mom being gone, I have nothing left to lose, so intimidation doesn’t work on me. Unfortunately, because next of kin laws regarding disposition of remains when there are two surviving children give both equal footing, he was able to drag everything out until it was so far past my mom’s passing that she had decomposed enough in the medical examiner’s office and was no longer viewable. And the fact he hasn’t responded with even an apology for doing so tells me all I need to know.

He takes things people can’t recover. That’s who he is. I refuse to be like him and was willing to be even handed and let him have an urn with some of our mom’s ashes and a lock of hair. Now I’m going to leave it up to my grandpa as he’ll have the remains up here and if he decides to not give my brother that opportunity, so be it. We’re both tired of being stabbed in the back.

It is what it is. I can’t change any of it. I’ll have to settle for the fact that the last words my mom spoke to me were kind ones and have that be what little closure I can get. My brother’s penance will be that when his time comes, if I’m still alive, the county/state can have him and do whatever they wish with his remains. I won’t be helping with that. A fitting end for the lifetime of misery he gave me. My efforts will go to family members that were kind to each other.