Was looking at my achievement pane earlier in-game and noticed something odd. Apparently the newly added Glory of the Liberation of Undermine Raider only rewards (10) achievement points upon completion and not the usual (25) like previous Dungeon & Raid Glory achievements did.
Here is a picture I took so you can see what I’m talking about.
In the soup aisle they have a section for bouillon cubes and such stuff. Near the plain broth. They have some squeeze bottles that add more flavor but not more salt. I use them when the soup needs a boost of flavor. They come in chicken, beef and veggie flavor.
August for me. And I certainly don’t feel it or act it, either. Working with a bunch of “kids” sure helps keep me feeling young. Granted, by the end of a shift in a restaurant, I was exhausted, but I think that’s the nature of the beast.
What was it like to live in a cave?
We’ve hit our high temp for the day already. The temps have been steadily dropping since yesterday afternoon’s high around 60.
One more day of work this week, then a short vacation. I’m not sure if I’ll get much accomplished; maybe I’ll go for a drive to let the car do a bit more than the short in-town trips I’ve been doing over the last several months.
Good ol’ reset day. I’m excited, should make a ton of WoW progress this week. Weather is shaping up so gardening can happen soon, can go back on walks, all sorts of stuff.
I mentioned it briefly, but my old supervisor was in the hospital recently for heart surgery. He’s been through a whole song and dance, including messing up his medication that had some very, very adverse effects.
However, he’s not only out of the hospital, but back here! I was real happy to see him again. Others threw a party for him in the office but I was off the clock and didn’t want to be in such a small room with a lot of people for a variety of reasons, so I gave him a hug and told him how great it is to see him again.
Also made it a rule that none of us go back to the hospital again any time in the near future. Enough visits for all of us for a bit.
Now that I’ve been in Undermine all night and servers are down for a couple of hours, I should probably do some adulting. Laundry, clean bathrooms, scoop litter, see if if I can put a dent in ‘de-cluttering’ the basement… At some point, a shower, then out to get a haircut and something to wear to my niece’s wedding next month.
Had to take a healthy walk to a building on campus. Parking is, to put it bluntly, a nightmare so had to park a bit away. 10 minute walk to and from just to pick up a machine. It’s horrible with all the little streets and very few parking spots.
Just to find out the machine is locked by a numeric padlock. There’s usually a lock that’s unlocked with a key but this one seems to be well beyond that. While I was kinda tempted to brute force the lock by guessing a bunch of numbers like it was a Resident Evil/Silent Hill game, I figured I’d just try to sort out who to contact to unlock it.
I’m real light headed now, though. I’m safely sitting and resting but there’s another ticket that needs looked at. I’ll just chill for a bit and see how I’m feeling here soon but, hey, walked a good distance!
Awesome! Glad you are documenting the physical effects too though. Docs love knowing that stuff. Be sure to take care of hydration, electrolytes, and blood sugar! Snack bars are boring, but useful. Glad you are resting and evaluating before the next ticket!
I got water with electrolyte powder mixed in! Always have a healthy amount, complete with filtered water. Just, yeah, my energy levels go down pretty fast after activity. Feel like the transplant hyper kicked started my metabolism.
It felt really good, though. It’s a lovely day out and it was great to see how far I’ve come for being bedridden for the better part of a year.
Spring is officially here. I saw a couple of turkey vultures circling. They are the true harbingers of spring. They only return when road kill is not frozen. Robins are fake. They don’t always leave. Also saw a pair of swans in the pond. They seem to think it’s spring as well.
We have robins and lots of other birds moving around in droves now. Pear tree is blooming but I’m not calling it spring until I see buds on the pecan trees. You can’t fool those roots, they are too deep.
Caulking on the front of the porch wall done! I trimmed the roses the other week and they have not sprouted up yet so this is my one chance to caulk the front porch foundation wall and paint it. Might get it painted this afternoon after caulk dries to paintable levels.
I can do the side foundation walls of the porch later after the azaleas and stuff bloom and get cut back.