[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

Happy Lunar New Year, Happy Love Fool’s Holiday, Happy Housing update for WoW! Wishing everyone strength, resilience, determination, and clever solutions as we move forward into the new year of the snake. :snake:

Cozy up in the Lounge House where we have all the best beverages, snacks, and even a gnome coffee swimming pool (hot tub). Library is upstairs.

Grab a seat by the fire or hide in the pillow fort.

:coffee: :teapot: :bubble_tea: :cookie: :dracthyr_love_animated:



gives the first like, gives the first post.

Anywyas, so I’ve chosen to purchase a cheap laptop for the time being while my computer gets fixed. Sent it to the computer repair yesterday, and the problem could really be anything. Worse case could have to replace everything, including the GPU, but best case, could just be a collection of dust built up within the system and could’ve been temperatures causing the problems and needs a proper clean.


Oooo… New lounge!

pokes things

It’ll do. :wink:

Pulled out a level 70 mage to start working on getting it maxed. First thing’s first - Love is in the Air boss. And got the new mount; got the old one sometime, not sure when. One day it was in the mount journal. /shrug


Everyone thank Ms. Mirasol for the new lounge area –


:notes: Thank you, Ms. Mirasol. :notes: :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait, what song is this a reference to? I am confuzzled.


It’s not… it’s like in a class when all the children reply to the teacher’s good morning. :smiley:


Thank you Ms Human Mage :smiley:


Current wind speed: 25 mph gusts 55 mph.

If I’m not here in the morning, I might be in Canada.


New thread guess i better put out a new teapot and coffee pot makes sure there properly labled.

Sets out ckn wings burgers and fries.


I have prepped my pillow fort. Cannot be broken into from all sides.

…Unless one brings tidings of coffee. And snacks.

Burgers and fries does sound really good, too. Went to the store for foodstuffs after work, did get some beef. I’ll have to make them stove-side but I’m wanting to make some burgs for lunch tomorrow.

Energy levels keep going up, may be able to tackle more hours and do more stuff here soon.


Thank you Ms Mira’s Ol. <3


May I just say how happy I am that the Alliance housing will be based around Elwynn Forest? From the first time housing was ever mentioned I thought it would be cool to have a house there. Some of my earliest Warcraft memories are from that zone, music and all :grin:


I hope they eventually open a neighborhood near Brill for the Horde.


I want a beach house.

I want to throw parties!


Not sure caffeine would be good for me to have at the moment!

Had a bit too much coffee to get through back to back meetings and now I’m suffering through the caffeine crash!

builds Renjiji and fox hole. there now the fox should be happy and safe. Built that in me back yard. No the dogs can’t get at you.

I don’t know what game that is in the OP, but it looks nice.

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Went to wild wings and ther 101 different flavors i got a burger

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So yesterday was a physical exam (these days that’s just listening to lungs and a long questionnaire). Person doing the exam decided to actually heed the overdue warnings regarding vaccines instead of quietly ignoring them and/or pushing them back without asking me. So I got my tDap (Tetanus), flu, and shingles vaccines. I know I’ll get reduced responses to them, but something is better than nothing and I may be eligible to come back for a second round once CellCept is no longer being given to me.

Unfortunately the trio proved to be the Cocktail of Bleargh™ and I’ve been tired, cold, and miserable since. But I had to go out and endure another appointment today with the oncologist. Said he’s going to wait on update from UCSF before further recommendations, which was expected. But man do I feel under the weather, the tire, and perhaps a grand piano or three. I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow and my dentist’s office is closed until Monday, so I’ll at least get a weekend of rest. Just might need it in my case.